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Posts posted by Chaisy

  1. That level of detail also makes the guide obsolete more quickly, as you yourself pointed out. If you can't figure out how to apply sqls to your db, maybe you are not in the target audience tc is looking to support, and should give up.

    Everyone has to learn at some point, unless you think some people were born knowing how it works. What's wrong with learning it here? Your attitude is thoroughly unhelpful, I'm glad I see that you're only a user and not a dev.

    That guide I linked is obsolete because 1) its for 3.3.3a, not 3.3.5a, and 2) it recommends using Navicat which the guide here says specifically not to use. So your assertion is false, the higher level of detail I requested would not obsolete it quicker. What's more likely to change, the method sqls are added to databases, or the version of the WoW client that Trinitycore is currently supporting? In any case, that mmowned guide I linked, obsolete or not, still helped me solve numerous problems with this new install that I didn't bring to this thread (for example, how to add new player accounts and give them privileges).

    I got the server up and running very late last night (or early this morning). Thanks again for the help. If I one day become an expert at all this, I'll come back and edit the wiki myself so future people won't make the same mistakes I did.

  2. Thanks for the responses everyone.


    And I am wondering if the problem is in the documentation or in the people that only read half of it.

    If you look at the mmowned link I put in my original post, scroll down to where it says "Now open up Navicat." Below that is the level of detail that could have avoided me making this thread. Just a FYI. My problem wasn't really with your instructions, but with my unfamiliarity with HeidiSQL, which I'm of course going to choose because it was the beginners option. Hopefully I'll be up and running on 3.3.5a Real Soon Now.

    4 - PROFIT!

    Well if its any relief to you I'm only making a machinima server that will never appear on the internet (and will never result in anything being sold). I think that is consistent with the trinity core philosophy if I've read the FAQs correctly.

  3. Try SQLyog

    Considering the HeidiSQL is the one labeled "good for beginners" I think I'd rather figure out how to use it. Or is the Wiki advice in error?

    Please paste the section of the wiki that says you are to install updates to the auth or characters DBs after a fresh install -- you don't.

    The base auth / characters DBs in sql/base are always up to date with the latest rev of the core. So if you are installing from scratch, you never apply updates.

    -- Brian

    Alright that makes sense, I didn't comprehend the instructions to not update anything but world for a fresh install. Thanks. What is the proper import procedure though... was I doing it right?

  4. Right click on your database........click import...

    There is nothing called "import" when I right click on a database.

    In the right click menu, the options are Edit, drop, empty table(s), run routines(s), Create new, Export database as SQL, Maintenance, Find text on server, Bulk table editor, Expand all, collapse all, display size of objects, select session background color, print, refresh.

    There is no "import".

  5. Hello there,

    I'm attempting to use the Wiki instructions to create a Trinity server. I'm running 64 bit Windows 7 (on my server) and using mysql-5.5.10-winx64 and HeidiSQL 6.0. I'm not sure how to tell what the TrinityCore revision is, I used the git application just yesterday if that helps. The database files are labeled TDB_335.11.38_2011_03_05. I've not altered anything with custom code or anything else.

    The problem I'm having is with the following instructions:

    The following steps are done using your database management program (ex. HeidiSQL or SQLYog)

    1. Create the three databases by importing C:\Trinity\sql\create\create_mysql.sql. You now have three databases - auth, characters, and world.

    2. Import auth database structure by importing C:\Trinity\sql\base\auth_database.sql to the auth DB.

    3. Import characters database structure by importing C:\Trinity\sql\base\character_database.sql to the characters DB.

    4. Unrar C:\TDB\TDB_335.11.38_2011_03_05.rar and import world DB structure and contents by importing TDB_335.11.38_2011_03_05.sql to the world DB.

    I'm not an expert at Databases and I'm very confused at what this means. Can anyone provide click-by click instructions on how to "import" a sql file?

    When I do Import > Load SQL file... and open the file, nothing appears to happen. Do I need to click the Run button for it to work? I've tried that and it "does stuff" but when I get to the next part where I'm supposed to import updates to the characters database, when I try to load 2011_03_11_0_characters_channels.sql and "run" it I get an error saying "SQL Error (1054): Unknown column 'm_name' in 'channels'" which makes me think I'm doing something wrong.

    I've previously set up a Trinity server on this computer using the very explicit instructions here: http://www.mmowned.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/emulator-servers/guides-tutorials/285921-guide-how-compile-trinitycore-start-finish.html . But those instructions are now out-of-date and among other things said to use Navicat, which the Wiki says not to use. Still, the level of detail in those instructions are pretty much what I need given my lack of understanding of all things sql.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance. If there's any details you need to know that I left out, please let me know.

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