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Vehicle Dies when entering it


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Hello all, 

   I am a new user here, I have had trinity core up for a couple of months, and i am quite familiar with the code structure, and i have been scripting stuff for TC. The question here is, I have started my work on scripting the quest "SteamTank Surprise" in Dragonblight. I noticed something weird, as the tanks just explode and die when i enter it.

   Either i have limited knowledge and I'm doing something wrong, or something is definitely bugged. I just added 

INSERT INTO npc_spellclick_spells (npc_entry, spell_id, cast_flags) VALUES ('27587', '46598', '1');

To the latest revision of the DB, just to enter the vehicle. 

Any help?


P.S I would gladly post any required details upon request

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