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Posts posted by DoxramosPS

  1. The important thing here is realmlist in your auth database. You'll see address and localAddress. You will want to change address to you NoIP DNS and change localAddress to your router's IP address. I've included an example to better understand what's being said.


    La chose importante ici est realmlist dans votre base de données auth. Vous verrez address et localAddress. Vous voudrez changer l'adresse à vous NoIP DNS et changer localAddress à l'adresse IP de votre routeur. J'ai inclus un exemple pour mieux comprendre ce qui se dit.




  2. I'm reading through the core scripts of TrinityCore to futher understand both C++ and TrinityCore itself. I have to post good job. To me being a novice in C++ the code is impressive and looks professional. I'm looking to further understand when I get to what I can self teach and hopefully give back. Now that I have time to put into the project. (Start with custom and go from there.)

    • Upvote 1
  3. I can't guarantee this would work right because of how TC handles logins, but in theory 

    class Account {
                      public function __construct() {
                                  $this->db = new db();
                      public function ChangeUsername($arg, $arg2) {
                                  $userup = strtoupper($arg);
                                  $passup = strtoupper($arg2);
                                  $query = <<<SQL
                                  UPDATE account
                                  SET username = :arg
                                  AND sha_pass_hash = :arg2
                                 $resource = $this->db->db->prepare( $query );
                                 $resource->execute( array (
                                  ":arg" => $userup,
                                  ":arg2" => sha1($userup.':'.$passup),

    Simply Define Your Database Connection and then call the script with 

    $account = new Account();


    This is a very rough draft, but if you know what you're doing with any of the code then it wouldn't be hard to implement. However I can't say I would recommend it regardless.


  4. I know that the proper syntax while creating a user account in php is to run the username and password as upper and sha1 


    But my question is more say you want to have a way to update the password? I tried with a standard query 

    UPDATE accounts SET sha_pass_hash = sha1("USERNAME:NEWPASS") WHERE username = :arg

    :arg is just a general username placeholder, but when I run that command. it still takes the old login information. I know you can use the console to set the password, but I'm looking at ways to run it when the server is offline, Does anyone know why this doesn't work?

  5. alright everything works now and i got it online, thanks heaps for the help! i will do my best to contribute back to the community with my newly learned knowledge =) 

    will make a new post regarding the issues i had here for others to look up so they can get it fixed quickly esp the SQL stuff and installation issues, currently working on account creation through my website which i will also post up so others know what tables to edit when making their website also.​

    ​Glad to hear it. Just got off work and saw you did a little bit. FYI. Dont' use emails because then it seems to autolink to battle.net for some reason lol

    • Upvote 1
  6. Answer to your Linux question is you can just download it from Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Backtrack whichever you would like. I would go with Ubuntu or Debian being new. The DB isn't the same issue. The issue is you have to run TDB_Full. If you can't figure it out with mysql shell or with cygwin then I would say to at least run HeidiSQL. Afterwards you have to go to TrinityCore/sql/updates/world and run all the ones in there. I would try the type attribute and see if that works. From command prompt within the updates/world folder you would run

    type *.sql | mysql -utrinitycore -ptrinitycore world

    No guarantees on that however.

  7. So I went to install a second server onto my Ubuntu Server and I ran 

    sudo cmake ../ -DPREFIX=/opt/TestServer -DTOOLS=0

    This is what I used to use when I used to install to a directory, but it's no longer supported and it seems there's no option anywhere to install to another path. Am I missing something here or is TrinityCore bound to one server now?

    TrinityCore revision   : 747a3f1d38ab 2015-09-26 23:40:13 +0200 (3.3.5 branch)
    TrinityCore buildtype  : Release


  8. Navicat has a lot of issues in itself. It's slow. Slow and overall going to cause you a headache. I'd avoid it at all costs. On a side note. For your updates. Open a command prompt and change to your TrinityCore/sql/updates/world and try 

    type *.sql < mysql -utrinitycore -ptrinitycore world

    I can't guarantee that will work, but I think it's the equivalent to cat in Windows 

  9. Not sure how you're running vmap4assembler, but with linux I have to create the vmaps folder first, so make a new folder called vmaps then run

    vmap4assembler Buildings vmaps 

    from command prompt within your wow directory; as far as the db; make sure you're not using navicat (which it sounds like you are) switch to HeidiSQL or go straight from the mysql command prompt (most successful) 

    mysql -utrinitycore -ptrinitycore world < TDB_full_longstringblahblah.sql

    And once again I'm a unix guy so I'm not sure how you would run this in windows, but maybe someone can convert it to batch speak for ya;

    within your updates/world folder 

    cat * .sql | mysql -utrinitycore -ptrinitycore world


    • Upvote 1
  10. I have this problem I've updated all have linux debian 7.8 with 32 ram and also the latest in all the requirements requested to compile and I get this error might help me.


    c++: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault (program cc1plus)
    Please submit a full bug report,
    with preprocessed source if appropriate.

    src/server/shared/CMakeFiles/shared.dir/build.make:54: recipe for target 'src/server/shared/CMakeFiles/shared.dir/Configuration/Config.cpp.o' failed
    make[2]: *** [src/server/shared/CMakeFiles/shared.dir/Configuration/Config.cpp.o] Error 4
    CMakeFiles/Makefile2:639: recipe for target 'src/server/shared/CMakeFiles/shared.dir/all' failed
    make[1]: *** [src/server/shared/CMakeFiles/shared.dir/all] Error 2
    make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

    ​Bad swap could be the issue, but not in later revs of g++. I had the same issue. Upgraded my VPN to 8 Gigs of Ram. Same issue. Reverted to 512MB and ran 

    sudo apt-get upgrade g++ gcc

    and deleted my build folder than reran cmake. No issues afterwards.

  11. Easy way to apply the updates. Make an sh script.

    for f; do
    mysql -u$DBUSER -p$PASS $DB < $f


    Replace the quoted with your values, leave the quotes though; that sets the variable; Put the Script into your updates folder and then sh update.sh *sql Will run the script and run all needed updates. Bear in mind that this is for Linux not windows. I'm assuming that you could do the same for windows using a bat file, but as far as how someone else would have to help on that.

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