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  1. Under linux c:Trinity does not exist. And it's not clear this is not already downloaded content that came from the full package when working on an windows workstation. It's unclear.
  2. Found out the problem; The manual should mention you can find the auth and characters scripts in the git-repo; ~/src/TrinityCore/sql/base It's wrong since the linux-manual doesn't state the auth and the characters-sql files can be found within the allready downloaded source. It states they should be in the downloaded full-package.
  3. Hi all, I'm currently busy on installing an initial copy of TrinityCore for the very first time. I found it somewhat disturbing to find out after compiling that I should have used the switch -DTOOLS=1 during the cmake to have mapextracter's that were needed for the dmaps and vmaps. But when I finally think I have everything on the road and want to start authserver for the very first time. I can't start this. In the manual (both windows and linux) it's mentioned that I should download the full db file and only the latest. But I clearly miss tables, as the latest full db file at unpack states that I only need the TDB file (for world) when installing the first time. The auth and characters files are emtpy, or patching up existing tables that I don't have. Or it should be mentioned that you should execute an empty structure, or the tables should be created with the initial files. Regards, Warthy.
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