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Posts posted by Ajaxhore

  1. Either im doing something wrong or there is something wrong with the lastest commits to Master branch.

    Fully updated, and everything is as it shall be, but I get the error seen in the .txt doc.

    This is newest commits as of today 19. february.

    >> Applying update "2018_02_08_00_world.sql" 'BACDF70'...
    Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

    ERROR 1264 (22003) at line 1: Out of range value for column 'RaceMask' at row 1


    • Upvote 1
  2. I got a proud moment.

    Ive managed to setup both a 3.3.5 and 6.x server on the same computer, with them running on Hyper-V VMs.

    Im totally clueless when it comes to programming, and i have never tried anything with VMs. But its working :D

    Compiles on the "base" computer, and then runs on VMs.

    Good feeling when it all works :)

    I bet its possible to run 2 databases on the same MySQL, but I dont know how to. Thats why i went with VM solution.

  3. I have just solved it.

    It dident know the path because it could not find it on the compile computer.

    I copied the MySQL/BIN folder with the MySQL.exe to the same place on the compile computer as it is on the server computer.

    Now it knows the path when i move it over to the server computer.

  4. So I got my MySQL on one computer, and my VS/Git/CMake on another.

    I pull, CMake and compile in VS on 1 computer, then copy the Release files to my server.

    My problem is that my worldserver cant find the MySQL executable.

    In the revision_data.h file I can see that it says: R"(MYSQL_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND)".

    I dont have MySQL installed on my compile computer, only the .lib files.

    How can I make it see the MySQL executable?

  5. Hi

    I was wondering if there is a pride issue related to fixing errors/problems that have bounties attached to them?

    Are there developers who dont want to be "that guy" who did something for a payment?

    I cant fix those problems, I wish I could. Some of them seem to be in the easy department.

    Or are the bounties to small to make any movement for those problems?

    Just wondering.

  6. Okey, shall I replace the .lib and .dll from the MySQL installation with the ones from Step 9. in the How To, or can they co-excist?

    Im guessing its those files that are causing the problem? I dident use the files from Step 9. cause it seems alittle unclear to me.

    I know, im a nub at this, trying to get better.

  7. Ive startet getting this problem too. Never had it before.

    Both Auth and World crash just after startup.

    Ive done full reinstall, maybe its a compability problem with using the newest MySQL or some dll's, i dont know.

    CMake - no errors.

    Compiles - no errors.

    Dont encounter any errors, except when starting them up, they crash.

    Always at "Updating Realm List..." on Auth.

    And always at "VMap data directory is: ./vmaps" on World.



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