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Everything posted by thebigfer94

  1. This is my configuration. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <appSettings> <!-- Option: Filters Description: List of strings separated by comma. Any opcode name that matches any of these filters will be parsed Default: "" (All) --> <add key="Filters" value=""/> <!-- Option: IgnoreFilters Description: List of strings separated by comma. Any opcode name that matches any of these filters will be ignored If one opcode matches Filters and IgnoreFilters at same time it will be ignored Default: "" (None) --> <add key="IgnoreFilters" value=""/> <!-- Option: IgnoreByEntryFilters Description: List of List of Entries not to be included in output file. Any opcode that contains any of these entries will be ignored Format: Type:Id1:Id2:Id3,Type2:Id4:Id5:Id6 Example: Unit:5000:10000:60000,Player:0 Default: "" (None) --> <add key="IgnoreByEntryFilters" value=""/> <!-- Option: AreaFilters Description: List of strings separated by comma. Any creature/gameobject spawn that matches any of these filters will be dumped to sql file if creature/gameobject sql option is enabled Default: "" (None) --> <add key="AreaFilters" value=""/> <!-- Option: MapFilters Description: List of strings separated by comma. Any creature/gameobject spawn that matches any of these filters will be dumped to sql file if creature/gameobject sql option is enabled Default: "" (None) --> <add key="MapFilters" value=""/> <!-- Option: FilterPacketsNum Description: Number of packets to read. If this value is negative and DumpFormat is set to 2 (Binary (.pkt)), a number of .pkt files will be created containing this value in number of packets (last .pkt created can have less packets than the number defined by this value). Default: "0" (All) --> <add key="FilterPacketsNum" value="0"/> <!-- Option: ClientBuild Description: Force client build version Default: "" (Autodetect - build is calculated based on the date of sniff) --> <add key="ClientBuild" value=""/> <!-- Option: TargetedDatabase Description: Sets the database version for which the SQL output should be produced. Default: "1" (Wrath of the Lich King) Values: 1: Wrath of the Lich King 2: Cataclysm 3: Warlords of Draenor --> <add key="TargetedDatabase" value="1"/> <!-- Option: DumpFormat Description: Format to write to output file Default: "1" (Text) Values: 0: No dump 1: Text + SQL (if enabled) 2: Binary (.pkt) 3: Binary (.pkt) split output in multiple files with opcode name 4: SQL Only 5: SniffData only (.sql) 6: Few statistics in CSV format (does not parse packets) 7: Binary (.pkt) split output in multiple files by session (TC sniffs only) 8: Compress sniff files (.gz extension) 9: Calculate version and move sniff to its own folder version 10: Hex & packet header only 11: Binary (.pkt) split output in multiple files by direction 12: Output info about packet's connection indexes (<name>_connidx.txt) --> <add key="DumpFormat" value="1"/> <!-- Option: SQLOutput Description: "true" defines if SQL file created contains a specific table, "false" otherwise Default: "false" (No SQL output for specific table) --> <add key="creature" value="true"/> <add key="creature_addon" value="true"/> <add key="creature_equip_template" value="true"/> <add key="creature_model_info" value="true"/> <add key="creature_template" value="true"/> <add key="creature_template_addon" value="true"/> <add key="creature_text" value="true"/> <add key="gameobject" value="false"/> <add key="gameobject_addon" value="false"/> <add key="gameobject_template" value="false"/> <add key="gossip_menu" value="false"/> <add key="gossip_menu_option" value="false"/> <add key="item_template" value="false"/> <add key="locales_quest" value="false"/> <add key="locales_quest_objectives" value="false"/> <add key="npc_spellclick_spells" value="false"/> <add key="npc_text" value="false"/> <add key="npc_trainer" value="false"/> <add key="npc_vendor" value="false"/> <add key="ObjectNames" value="false"/> <add key="page_text" value="false"/> <add key="playercreateinfo" value="false"/> <add key="playercreateinfo_action" value="false"/> <add key="points_of_interest" value="false"/> <add key="quest_poi" value="false"/> <add key="quest_poi_points" value="false"/> <add key="quest_template" value="false"/> <add key="SniffData" value="false"/> <add key="SniffDataOpcodes" value="false"/> <add key="vehicle_template_accessory" value="false"/> <add key="weather_updates" value="false"/> <!-- Option: HotfixSQLOutput Description: "true" defines if SQL file created contains a specific table, "false" otherwise Default: "false" (No SQL output for specific table) --> <add key="battle_pet_species" value="false"/> <add key="broadcast_text" value="false"/> <add key="broadcast_text_locale" value="false"/> <add key="chr_upgrade" value="false"/> <add key="creatureDB2" value="false"/> <add key="creature_difficulty" value="false"/> <add key="curve_point" value="false"/> <add key="gameobjectDB2" value="false"/> <add key="hotfix_data" value="false"/> <add key="item" value="false"/> <add key="item_appearance" value="false"/> <add key="item_bonus" value="false"/> <add key="item_bonus_tree_node" value="false"/> <add key="item_currency_cost" value="false"/> <add key="item_effect" value="false"/> <add key="item_extended_cost" value="false"/> <add key="item_modified_appearance" value="false"/> <add key="item_sparse" value="false"/> <add key="key_chain" value="false"/> <add key="location" value="false"/> <add key="mount" value="false"/> <add key="override_spell_data" value="false"/> <add key="phase_group" value="false"/> <add key="scene_script" value="false"/> <add key="spell_aura_restrictions" value="false"/> <add key="spell_casting_requirements" value="false"/> <add key="spell_class_options" value="false"/> <add key="spell_learn_spell" value="false"/> <add key="spell_misc" value="false"/> <add key="spell_power" value="false"/> <add key="spell_rune_cost" value="false"/> <add key="spell_totems" value="false"/> <add key="taxi_nodes" value="false"/> <add key="taxi_path" value="false"/> <add key="taxi_path_node" value="false"/> <add key="toy" value="false"/> <!-- Option: SQLFileName Description: Sets the file to write all sql data to. If is not set each file parsed will write it's own sql file Default: "" (No global sql file output) --> <add key="SQLFileName" value=""/> <!-- Option: SQLOrderByKey Description: Order Sql Output by key Default: "false" (No prompt) --> <add key="SQLOrderByKey" value="false"/> <!-- Option: ShowEndPrompt Description: Show end prompt after parsing all files Default: "false" (No prompt) --> <add key="ShowEndPrompt" value="false"/> <!-- Option: LogErrors Description: Log ReadEnum errors (Missing enum values) Default: "false" (No enum errors log) --> <add key="LogErrors" value="false"/> <!-- Option: LogPacketErrors Description: Log packet headers that were skipped or have packet errors to <snifffile>_errors.txt Default: "false" (No file created) --> <add key="LogPacketErrors" value="false"/> <!-- Option: OutputFlag Description: Configures what packets depending on parsing status are written to the .txt. 1 - Only success, 2 - Only with errors, 4 - Only skipped, 8 - Only wihtout structure Default: "15" (Success, WithErrors, NotParsed and NoStructure) --> <add key="OutputFlag" value="15"/> <!-- Option: DebugReads Description: Show hexadecimal data when reading any numeric value Default: "false" (Do not show hexadecimal output) --> <add key="DebugReads" value="false"/> <!-- Option: ParsingLog Description: Write to a text file what has been printed on console Default: "false" --> <add key="ParsingLog" value="false"/> <!-- Option: Threads Description: Number of threads to parse packets. 0 is number of avail. processors. Default: "1" --> <add key="Threads" value="1"/> <!-- SSH Tunneling settings --> <add key="SSHEnabled" value="false" /> <add key="SSHHost" value="" /> <add key="SSHUsername" value="" /> <add key="SSHPassword" value="" /> <add key="SSHPort" value="22" /> <add key="SSHLocalPort" value="3307" /> <!-- Database settings --> <add key="DBEnabled" value="true" /> <add key="Server" value="localhost" /> <add key="Port" value="3306" /> <add key="Username" value="root" /> <add key="Password" value="" /> <add key="WPPDatabase" value="WPP" /> <add key="TDBDatabase" value="world" /> <add key="HotfixesDatabase" value="hotfixes" /> <add key="CharacterSet" value="utf8" /> </appSettings> <startup> <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5"/> </startup> <runtime> <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> <probing privatePath="Parsers"/> </assemblyBinding> </runtime> <system.data> <DbProviderFactories> <remove invariant="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" /> <add name="MySQL Data Provider" invariant="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" description=".Net Framework Data Provider for MySQL" type="MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlClientFactory, MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d" /> </DbProviderFactories> </system.data> </configuration> I want the wowpacketparser write tables Creature_template. WowPacketParser.exe.config
  2. Why the sniffer does not create the table creature_template?
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