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Posts posted by Unknow64

  1. Packet opcodes and structs are reverse engineered from the client. You can find a bit about that from the WPP project

    Packets have a header and a body. In the header it's defined the direction (client->server, server->client), the timestamp it was sent, the opcode id and some other fields. The body is simply a bunch of bytes that only make sense once the opcode is known.

    Here's an example of reading a packet: https://github.com/TrinityCore/WowPacketParser/blob/master/WowPacketParser/Parsing/Parsers/GuildHandler.cs#L705-L712

    ​Thanks Nay

  2. Hi,


    Same problem can't launch Worldserver.exe


    changed the DataDir in worldserver.conf but still not work


    i think the worldserver can't find the dbc directory but i'm not able to solve this


    here my Server.log if it can help ^_^




    I extract the frFR Dbc maybe it's the problem



    EDIT 1 : i found this in mapextractor/System.cpp


        "none", "unknown1",
        "enUS", "koKR",
        "unknown2", "frFR",
        "deDE", "zhCN",
        "esES", "zhTW",
        "enGB", "enCN",
        "enTW", "esMX",
        "ruRU", "ptBR",
        "itIT", "ptPT",


    Maybe the line "unknown2", "frFR", corrupt my DBC folder i don't really know




    1. Download mysql_lib.zip from https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/releases/download/TDB335.55/mysql_lib.zip
    2. Unzip  to C:/mysql_lib
    3. Open CMake-GUI
    4. Thick Advanced
    5. Set MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR to C:/mysql_lib/include
    6. Set MYSQL_LIBRARY to C:/mysql_lib/lib_64/libmysql.lib or C:/mysql_lib/lib_32/libmysql.lib depending if you are compiling in 64 or 32 bits.
    7. Run Configure & Generate
    8. Compile in VS


    Hyay Thank you for the fast reply Nay

    I did what you say


    But now i got these :





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