Same problem can't launch Worldserver.exe
changed the DataDir in worldserver.conf but still not work
i think the worldserver can't find the dbc directory but i'm not able to solve this
here my Server.log if it can help
I extract the frFR Dbc maybe it's the problem
EDIT 1 : i found this in mapextractor/System.cpp
"none", "unknown1",
"enUS", "koKR",
"unknown2", "frFR",
"deDE", "zhCN",
"esES", "zhTW",
"enGB", "enCN",
"enTW", "esMX",
"ruRU", "ptBR",
"itIT", "ptPT",
Maybe the line "unknown2", "frFR", corrupt my DBC folder i don't really know