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About Joy

  • Birthday April 9

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    ROC, Taipei

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  1. I've asked this in another thread before. This can be solved there, but when you come to G3D issue it won't let you go.
  2. I changed the file <your_trinitycore_directory/cmake/compiler/xcode/settings.cmake> from whatever it was to # Set build-directive (used in core to tell which buildtype we used) add_definitions(-D_BUILD_DIRECTIVE='"$(CONFIGURATION)"') Then it went perfectly well until the XCode links.... 11 errors came up and do not show me the lines: Screenshot
  3. Try: change the file in <your_trinitycore_directory/cmake/compiler/xcode/settings.cmake> from whatever it was to # Set build-directive (used in core to tell which buildtype we used) add_definitions(-D_BUILD_DIRECTIVE='"$(CONFIGURATION)"') And LMAO did you copy the first line from my post ?
  4. Try using Visual Stuio 2008 instead of 2010 ? It failed at cmake which tried to use a C compile then failed..
  5. It goes back to the same thing, no errors until I build the solution from XCode.. Screenshot Here I wander how the other guys get it to work, different XCode preference setting or something else ?
  6. Sorry, but it still says "Project "<Directory_of_the_project>" cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed"... What am I doing wrong ? I pull the newest source, Terminal cd-in and mkdir build then I cd build, and cmake ../ -GXcode with/without the additional lines from the guide. Still generates that error..
  7. I CMade it and opened the project (CMake had no errors) but the XCode popped: "Project "<Directory_of_the_project>" cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed"... I changed the "TrinityCore/cmake/compiler/xcode/settings.cmake" from # Set build-directive (used in core to tell which buildtype we used) add_definitions(-D_BUILD_DIRECTIVE="$(CONFIGURATION)") to # Set build-directive (used in core to tell which buildtype we used) add_definitions(-D_BUILD_DIRECTIVE=\\"$(CONFIGURATION)\\") Was that right? *EDIT: And when I used git it said: "Fatal: corrupt patch at line 8"
  8. Thanks for your immediate responsibility ! But more specifically, how should I apply this ?
  9. Edit By Aokromes: If you can't compile check that you meet requirements: https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/2130068/Requirements If you get SSE2 error use: -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-msse -msse2 -msse3" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-msse -msse2 -msse3" If you get mysql libs error you miss MySQL development files These files are shipped with MySQL Server but to make it easier we packed the libs and include files for both 32 bits and 64 bits. Extract the files to a known location, e.g, C:/mysql_libs https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/releases/download/TDB335.55/mysql_lib.zip If you get error 0xc000007b at start is that you are mixing 32 and 64 bits libraries. if you get TCE00011 check https://community.trinitycore.org/topic/13962-trouble-with-your-trinity-install-starting-login-readme-1st-faqs/?tab=comments#comment-47668
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