Alright everyone, First off, mods- if any of this post is against policies/rules/etc, please feel free to delete it. I'm not intending to break any rules or laws. I believe we have all pulled our hair out long enough on this... Since it may not be technically legal to post the files themselves, we need to have a way for everyone to know if what they have downloaded is clean. I am 99% certain I have all the correct files. Since I don't trust my patching skills as much as I trust Blizzard's own hosted files, I have also downloaded all the files from the "" path again and verified their integrity against my files. I have extracted dbc, maps, & vmaps from these files and my server has ran without significant issues. Therefore, I'm pretty confident my files are good. However, the extractors also give me several complaints about files missing about 'doodads' as mentioned in this thread. There were also messages about Zul'gurub. Thus, I am still somewhat/slightly concerned that my source files may not match what the extractors expect. I am more confident that the client just has developer references to files that didn't get implemented in retail. Never the less, I would love it if someone could do a checksum digest on their 4.3.4 folder and compare them with my digests below. This is my digest from MD5SUM: I also hashed them with SHA1 here: If we all agree these are the correct sums, then I would be very happy to provide PAR2 parity repair files for everyone to test and patch their files if they have enough matching data. Since parity files are in no way illegal, there shouldn't be any concerns with sharing the files openly for everyone. If you're not familiar with how to do file integrity checking or repairs, please have a look at 'ExactFile' & 'QuickPar' for Windows. They aren't that hard to learn. Finally, if you're interested in downloading the data files directly from Blizzard, this is the list of URL's you need to download: Good luck everyone! Snatch