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  1. Fixed EVENT_CHAIN_LIGHTNING and EVENT_DESTRUCTIVE_POISON has not cancelled when shade of akama dies, so Akama still try cast Destructive Poison in Air.
  2. Script is: https://gist.github.com/Keader/30fef24fde8f0823dc13bede6d42642c#file-akamawip-cpp-L208 And, with UpdateVictim() still has this bug too ^^ btw, gist edited, UpdateVictim added, bug still present
  3. Someone know wtf is happening here? : Creature is out of combat, without target, without auras, without emote (already tryied with me->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_NPC_EMOTESTATE, 0);), threatlist and hostil list empty. I have no idea why he "autoattacking the air" Someone have sugestions? Code used is https://gist.github.com/Keader/30fef24fde8f0823dc13bede6d42642c#file-akamawip-cpp-L208 still is a WIP, when ready i will open PR... but i need fix it first ._.
  4. is not working for me. i added persed txt file, but if i search for some entry, dont show me nothing in results :(
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