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Posts posted by smncru

  1. Wondering...

    [...] (Win32, Release) [...]

    You built the core for 32 bits so

    -> are libeay32.dll & ssleay32.dll from 32bits OpenSSL?

    EDIT: for OpenSSL 1.0.2c 32bits should be both 1,231 KB & 289KB. For 64 bits 2,028KB & 371KB

    Yes, they are. Again, the server wouldn't have probably initialized with wrong .dlls. 

    in the cmake when you give to configure, copy it all the info that sheds, in my case, the problem was that the cmake was using the mysql libraries wrong, and there I realized, I resolved that and the application did not return to give problems or crash

    MYSQL_EXECUTABLE and MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR was set to 64b version of mysql, changing that fixed my problem, thank you very much!

  2. No idea why my last topic was deleted (moderators could at least send a private message with a reason). Anyway did some more research.

    My problem is: Whenever I'm trying to run authserver.exe or worldserver.exe, they're crushing with no error after a second (looks exactly as in logs attached to post). However, there is a small chance that they won't crush and they'll start normally.

    Trying to run servers from cmd (as suggested in some forum faq) results in the following error:
    Error in config file: cannot open file (authserver.conf)
    (same goes for worldserver)

    Should I compile TC in Debug? Is it going to give any extra info?

    Before you delete this topic again, at least specify the reason, please.





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