My client is 3.3.5a (Chinese version)
I Read .
In the web , I See "Note that localization support in core / database support only 8 languages while dbc can support 16 languages."
I generated dbc, maps, vmaps, mmaps and Cameras(into the server directory)
I compiled and started the worldserver and authserver.And I see
">> Initialized 111 data stores in 1436 ms
Using zhCN DBC Locale as default. All available DBC locales: zhCN
>> Loading Cinematic Camera files" in the console.
But in the game the quest text is still in English(I need the Chinese).
what should I do?
PS:I get TrinityCore code from github, rev is 2439e2d5ee212d3d0761586bc1b95bad6e30bc92.TDB is TDB3.35_61 + all updates