Just client version.... maps/vmaps/mmmaps file can not be used in trinitycore335 branch.
"Initialize data stores...
Index 3696 already exists in dbc:'achievement_dbc'
Some required *.dbc files (13 from 111) not found or not compatible:
./data/dbc/Achievement.dbc exists, and has 62 field(s) (expected 62). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten. Search on forum for TCE00008 for more info."
TCE00008 Core don't starts i get:
dbc exists, and has 13 field(s) (expected 12). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
You need to extract the files from the same unmodified client version of the server you are trying to run,