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  1. Hello. Please tell me how to properly organize the structure of the project. For example, there is a server 3.3.5 with two realms x1 and Fun. How would it be better to maintain a git repository for development and what server structure to use, so that, for example, there are two worlds that use common map files and an authentication server? As in this case it was more correct to compile the project. Is there any point in making different git branches for each realm?
  2. Running bnetserver and worldserver on linux. How can i send console commands like on windows? For example account registration. Command do nothing.
  3. Thanks. https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/issues/19362
  4. I was trying to "gobject near" and have got just "Found nearby gameobjects (distance 10.000000): 0". Where can i get id's of this gameobjects to try to find/add them in "gameobject" database?
  5. Missing portals on the instance entrances. It's possible to enter/exit instance, but visual there are no portals. How can i fix it?
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