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Posts posted by Drakan

  1. Modify the configuration files in the following way:
    (specifying the path of the Source folder (downloaded via git)

    SourceDirectory  = "D:/Source815example/"
    Updates.EnableDatabases = 1

    SourceDirectory  = "D:/Source815example/"
    Updates.EnableDatabases = 15

    Run the server and the updates will be autoapplied .

  2. If you can not apply the updates .sql is because you are using mysql 5.5, you need to update to mysql 5.6 and re-create the database.

    But a lot of work is still missing for a DB 8.1.5.
    From what I have tried, the "Pandaren" have npcs but do not have quests, and the "Demon Hunter" do not have npcs (the classic races seem to work a little better).

    Good luck

  3. TDB 735.00 + source updates included with the latest Master:6b29c4da76fbdcb55b4a89f485a5cff58c4296b9

    Maybe with the client "engb" or "enus" when extracting the DBC files it gives less errors, but I do not have time to be testing and extracting.. I asked if it only happens for extracting DBCs from the client "eses" or its happening this to all.

  4. Try this:

    In your bnetserver.conf

    In the database (realmlist)
    address 192.x.x.x

    And in the client files (WTF/Config.wtf)
    On your computer with server:
    SET portal ""
    Others LAN clients:
    SET portal "192.x.x.x"

    That's how I play Lan with my girlfriend :P

  5. Hi! Can someone tell me if it's normal?
    I have some errors in Server.log file, but I think it's normal or acceptable.
    But in DBErrors.log it has too many errors (41410 lines :blink:) and it does not seem normal.
    I'm using the latest:
    Master: 6b29c4da76fbdcb55b4a89f485a5cff58c4296b9
    And I have generated the files dbc, cameras, gt, maps, mmaps and vmaps.. with client (esES), and of course I have set
    "DBC.Locale = 6" in to "worldserver.conf"

    Could it be that the problem is due to the language of the client and the extracted dbc? or have I done something wrong?

    Thanks ;)
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