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Michele A

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Posts posted by Michele A

  1. thanks for the reply, it seems to work after a full build. Another couple questions if I may,

    - when I try to create an allied race, it tells me I need to have BFA. I modified expansion to 8 (even tried 9) both in the account table and in the worldserver.conf, but even after a restart the error does not disappear

    - I imported TBD_FULL_820xxx via worldserver.exe, but when I run the server, I get 100's of errors, like

         Gameobject (Entry: 181102 GoType: 22) have data0=7001 but Spell (Entry 7001) not exist.

         Spell Id 141825 has DBC ProcFlags 16777216, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.Spell Id 141825 has DBC ProcFlags 16777216, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.

         No model data exist for `CreatureDisplayID` = 77068 listed by creature (Entry: 135627).

         etc etc. is that correct?


    I correctly imported maps, mmaps, vmaps etc. and the database import did not apparently give errors.


    your help appreciated!




  2. hi all,

    another topic. I looked around for that one but couldn't find an answer.

    I dowloaded the most recent trinity core repack and am using wow client. I can easily login but get stuck at 'logging in to server'. can't see anything in the logs folder.


    If I use an older version of wow (8.0.28xxx) and downgrade the realm version in auth/realmlist, everythig works fine. 


    Can't understand what I am doing wrong. Any idea? I'm happy to provide more detail... if you let me know what exactly you need.




  3. hello all,

    new poster here looking for help. I am using trinity core and wow 8.01. 


    I would like to add some item sets on my chars and cannot understand how to add raid finder sets. For example, 


    when I add the set, I only get the normal set. the raid finder items are nowhere to be found. If I look up the item # in wowhead, it doesn't change from lfr to normal to heroic or mythic. it seems to just be considered a recolor.

    Same happens if I add the single sets item, they only get the normal set color, not LFR or mythic or whatever else.


    So the question is, any idea how I can add a LFR item with the LFR color?


    Hope I have been clear, and thanks in advance for your help.



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