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Bernd Lipp

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  1. I am running an older version of a repack and our midsummer festival isn't working. Before I take whatever steps to upgrade it to the newest 3.3.5a branch... Is the festival working on the current LK branch? In my version there are not all fireplaces set. In stranglethorn there is no fire at all and on bloodwhatever isle is just a single NPC but nothing else where the fire should be. The torch throwing doesn't work because the fireplaces are not recognised. Most of the quests are not working. How is the status on the latest version? Thanks for helping.
  2. Hi there. I am using Jeuties Repack WotLK server for a while now. The log says it is this version: TrinityCore rev. 879af88d2180 2015-06-29 22:29:28 +0200 (3.3.5 branch) (Win64, Release) (worldserver-daemon) Using World DB: TDB 335.58 Now to the love is in the air fest we want to change how much of the charms get generated by killing mobs. After long searching trough all tables I found that it is the aura part of the "Lovely Charm Collector's Kit". I tried to find out how I can modify it and failed. I also tried to apply the hidden buff as a stack of 10 but that also didn't work. How is it supposed to work if I want to set the buff so that every worthy enemy drops a charm? Do I have to modify the code for the spell or is it doable in just mysql? Thanks for helping out. Bernd
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