I tried Trinitycore Master branch install guide. After trying to start wordserver.exe i got this then cmd no longer works. Anyone had this kind of problem?
Initialize data stores...
Incorrect layout hash in ./dbc/enUS/ChrCustomizationElement.db2, expected 0x29E7E6E9, got 0x23DA3D78 (possibly wrong client version)
Incorrect layout hash in ./dbc/enUS/ItemBonusTreeNode.db2, expected 0x5F0770E4, got 0xC2E0B160 (possibly wrong client version)
Incorrect layout hash in ./dbc/enUS/RandPropPoints.db2, expected 0xC89BA379, got 0x0E4AE36D (possibly wrong client version)
Incorrect layout hash in ./dbc/enUS/UiMap.db2, expected 0x18361012, got 0x85884C46 (possibly wrong client version)
Unable to load db2 files for enUS locale specified in DBC.Locale config!