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Mishka last won the day on April 22 2021

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I think it has to do with Wow file rather than Server i think. Maybe Add wow server app on Firewall. Then try having your local IP as your realm address etc. After everything not working restart your computer then change everything back to default. try again if it doesn't try deleting your wow folders cache.
  2. Try clearing your cache. I also experienced same stuff. Somehow after trying lots of trial it worked somehow.
  3. I tried Trinitycore Master branch install guide. After trying to start wordserver.exe i got this then cmd no longer works. Anyone had this kind of problem? Initialize data stores... Incorrect layout hash in ./dbc/enUS/ChrCustomizationElement.db2, expected 0x29E7E6E9, got 0x23DA3D78 (possibly wrong client version) Incorrect layout hash in ./dbc/enUS/ItemBonusTreeNode.db2, expected 0x5F0770E4, got 0xC2E0B160 (possibly wrong client version) Incorrect layout hash in ./dbc/enUS/RandPropPoints.db2, expected 0xC89BA379, got 0x0E4AE36D (possibly wrong client version) Incorrect layout hash in ./dbc/enUS/UiMap.db2, expected 0x18361012, got 0x85884C46 (possibly wrong client version) Unable to load db2 files for enUS locale specified in DBC.Locale config!
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