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  1. Allright, internal network works fine, now i want to have access from the internet. I did everything from the guide (ports are open) but it doesnt work as expected. I can see the realms but nothing else happens after I choose a realm: Realm List Stucked in Loggin in Settings: Data Table Realmlist table I would really appreciate your help a last time
  2. Hello all, I have searched the forum for a solution, but have not found one. I can reach my private server (3.3.5a) locally and have already logged in successfully. I would like to access the server from my other computer, have also already made various settings: https://imgur.com/a/sllRayu https://imgur.com/a/eVUrmBC https://imgur.com/a/3yERRhM However, the server is still not accessible, despite adjusting the client. I would really appreciate it, if you could help me. Thanks in advance and best regards
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