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Everything posted by 7pma249

  1. Thank you guys, The issue was that I'm not using the latest Arctium launcher. Also the bnet account is the main thing to be used here, not "account". Cheers!
  2. I re-setup a windows server on same machine where my wow client is and still same problem.
  3. Hi guys, I've been following this amazing guide https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/2130077/Installation+Guide thus far to setup latest master build on ubuntu 20.04, everything is working, I created account using gm command from worldserver console : bnetaccount create test@test test the acccount is successfully created, however it fails with BLZ51900003 error code when I try to login from wow client on another windows machine on my local network ( I turned on trace mode and the only log from bnet server as below when I login: [] Accepted connection [0 ms] SQL(p): DELETE FROM ip_banned WHERE unbandate<>bandate AND unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() [1 ms] SQL(p): SELET unbandate > UNIX_TIIMESTAMP() OR unbandate = bandate AS banned, NULL as country from ip_banned WHERE ip = '' I've confirmed that my network and database all correctly set and permission granted. What should I look into to resolve this problem?
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