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  1. Hi, after reinstal GIT, cmake found it, but I earn new problem: The C compiler identification is unknown The CXX compiler identification is unknown Detected 32-bit platform Using supplied MySQL sources Found OpenSSL: C:/OpenSSL-Win32/lib/ssleay32.lib;C:/OpenSSL-Win32/lib/libeay32.lib Found git binary : D:/Program Files (x86)/Git/cmd/git.exe * TrinityCore revision : 132cc295ca7f 2013-03-24 00:23:27 +0100 (4.3.4 branch) * Install core to : C:/Program Files (x86)/TrinityCore * Build world/auth : Yes (default) * Build with scripts : Yes (default) * Build map/vmap tools : No (default) * Build core w/PCH : Yes (default) * Build scripts w/PCH : Yes (default) * Show compile-warnings : No (default) * Use coreside debug : No (default) * Use MySQL sourcetree : Yes (default) * Use GIT revision hash : Yes Looking for IPPROTO_IPV6 CMake Error at D:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeCInformation.cmake:37 (get_filename_component): get_filename_component called with incorrect number of arguments Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:3 (PROJECT) CMake Error: Internal CMake error, TryCompile configure of cmake failed Looking for IPPROTO_IPV6 - not found Looking for IPV6_V6ONLY CMake Error at D:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeCInformation.cmake:37 (get_filename_component): get_filename_component called with incorrect number of arguments Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:3 (PROJECT) CMake Error: Internal CMake error, TryCompile configure of cmake failed Looking for IPV6_V6ONLY - not found Looking for S_IROTH CMake Error at D:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeCInformation.cmake:37 (get_filename_component): get_filename_component called with incorrect number of arguments Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:3 (PROJECT) ............ I hope, someone can help me. thx
  2. Hi, I compile mapextractor from repo (4.3.4 branch) and start in wow directory. Extractor extract DBC's (329 files - 79MB), but no extract maps files, maps folder is empty. Extractor just end without output error and I don't know, why is maps folder empty. Can anyone help me? Where is problem? Thx
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