I'm just starting out and need to gain a better understanding of what I'm doing. Sorry in advance if this is academic. I just successfully compiled the core and updated everything using the guides here. I'm able to log in, create a character and interact with the game world. However, I noticed that in the Draeni starting area (my first test), when I pick up a quest I don't get a quest "sound" (I get the quest ok, just not the sound), and I also cannot use gm commands like ".additem" or ".lookup x", where x would be something like "creature". The ".additem" kicks out like i'm saying it, and the "x" parameter in ".lookup" whether "item" or "creature" always returns "no such sub command". Is this something in the db I can check? Is this something i've done in the compilation or setup process? The account is setup as gm level 3. I've tried logging in and out without avail. It's almost like some commands are disabled at compile time, or the format has changed or is unrecognized.