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By Sandra Kaimraptor
Dear Community,
currently I am using screen to manage the daily restart of that server to prevent overloads. But screen is not a clean solution for that. I want to integrate the worldserver and authserver as services to my system. Unfortunately I do not know how I can write into the running daemon any command via Bash shell? sighup shutdown via killall is no option because I need to shutdown the server with 5 minutes delay and informing all players about the shutdown.
Has anyone any idea how to resolve that issue?
Kind Regards
Sandra Kaimraptor
By blkht
The worldserver crashes whenever I create a character. Seems like there is an issue with mysql, but I have no idea what the issue is. Anybody knows what`s happening here?
By eulondon
Hello from Brazil!
I was able to compile both 3.3.5 and 6.x branchs on a virtual box machine with debian 8 and get both working.
However the system compiled a 32bit .elf and tools only for linux.
I bypassed this by mounting WoW directory and using the linux tools in the mounted directory.
However, now I want to compile portable worldservers, auth and bnetservers EXEs on the debian virtual machine.
What Flags, Parameters would make this possible?
By Keldo
I successfully built the current revision on Windows and Ubuntu 14 but when I attempted to patch a 4.3.4 client to 6.2.0, Blizzards stream launcher patched to 6.2.2
So I am wondering if anyone knows where I can get a good guide on patching to 6.2.0 or a full 6.2.0 client download.
I'm using this as an edcucational project to learn game development in C++
By damian054
####### English Version ########
Hello Everyone!.
I am requesting a script to change username in php, someone would be so kind as to contribute?.
Thanks in advance
###### Version Español ######
Hola a todos.
Estoy necesitando un codigo php para cambiar el nombre de usuario, alguno podria aportarlo?
se los agradeceria mucho. saludos!
Version: TrinityCore 3.3.5a.