I have been using TC for a few weeks now and have noticed a few issues. I am using TDB_full_735.00_2018_02_19 and loading the updates from the src folder ( As suggested from the database setup)
1. Cooking window shows 0/0 and will not allow me to update the skills
2. Unable to learn any cooking skills
3. After purchasing the fishing skill, logging out and coming back in. The Skill is removed from my professions and I cannot purchase it again
4. While fishing, the fishing bobber never plays the animation that a fish has landed.
Any suggestions on what could be causing these issue?
I have been digging around in the code looking into possible ways to fix it but am not sure where to start. I have read the documentation about contributing but still, there is a lot there. Also, is there any write up on how the database is setup or an explanation as to how the tables are structured? I would love to start contributing to this project. Seems like a fun/challenging process.
Help! Having a huge brain fart right now. After being give the easy life in Cataclysm and MoP then WoD.....I've totally forgotten how to craft my profession skills! Everything Ive searched gives info to creating recipes/cooking/bandages through the professions pane in Cata and above! I want to make a simple bandage from Linen so I can up my First Aid! Old age sucks..... senility sucks! Thanks for any advice.