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make cpp int = mysql row count


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I basically have a script, that let's me learn spells from an NPC, but if I am mounted, it doesn't let me learn spells


        if (player->IsMounted())
            player->GetSession()->SendAreaTriggerMessage("|cff87CEFAYou must get down of your mount.|r");
            return false;


I would like to turn the "if mounted" into a "if sql table has 30 or more rows"

I imagine it would be something like this, but I don't know the exact coding for it


int a =  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM characters_spells

        if (int a >= 30)
            player->GetSession()->SendAreaTriggerMessage("|cff87CEFAYou must get down of your mount.|r");
            return false;


Can anyone help out with the code for it please?

Edited by miifi
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It would be best to avoid SQL queries if you can.
However as you asked for an example of how to make this query, here is one:

#include "DatabaseEnv.h"

int64 count = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM characters_spells WHERE guid = %u", player->GetGUID().GetCounter())->Fetch()[0].GetInt64();
if (count >= 30)

In this code

- the include allows you to use CharacterDatabase variable, which is a global variable.
- PQuery makes a database query and allows you to use printf like syntax to format variables into the SQL.
- GetCounter returns the part of the guid that is usually used in DB for players and items to identify them.
- Fetch returns the current row from the query result, we call this directly as we know that a result will be returned from this specific SQL.
- [0] accesses the first column in the query result. In this case it is the count.
- GetInt64() takes the column data and handles it as an int64 value. Most math in SQL is done with bigint, so using uint32 or similar may actually not work on some machines. Always use proper type!
- the resulting value is stored into a variable "count" and then compared against 30.

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