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Map / DBC Problems


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Greetings! First time writing here so please do let me know if I do something wrong.


I have an issue that I cannot for the life of me figure out. I've had this issue on other sources, and a simple fix was use the correct maps. However, I've used 6 different maps/vmaps/dbc files and to no avail.


Here's my issue:

If I create a character and they spawn in Stormwind for example, and I use .gps, it will say this player is in Shadowmoon Valley. 

If I .tele elwynn, it will teleport me straight to the right elwynn area, however it will say when I .gps that I am in Northern Stranglethorn. 


I've tried everything, and I just cannot for the life of me figure this out. Could really use some help, thanks.


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