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Pls help with telenpc to install in my core


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I'm using the TrinityCore with Bots: https://github.com/trickerer/TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots

and now i will patch the telenpc into my Core: https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCoreCustomChanges/compare/3.3.5-base_patch...3.3.5-tele_npc_3.diff

So there are no instructions on how to apply such patches, I have to ask here.

How can I install and use the patch in my core?

So how exactly do I have to go about it now?

pls help me :)


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On 6/30/2022 at 9:41 AM, Krutok said:


I'm using the TrinityCore with Bots: https://github.com/trickerer/TrinityCore-3.3.5-with-NPCBots

and now i will patch the telenpc into my Core: https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCoreCustomChanges/compare/3.3.5-base_patch...3.3.5-tele_npc_3.diff

So there are no instructions on how to apply such patches, I have to ask here.

How can I install and use the patch in my core?

So how exactly do I have to go about it now?

pls help me :)


Patches are done before a compile. If you use the main trinitycore npcbots instead of the pre made compiled version then you can add the other patch you want then compile the core. It tells you how to patch before compiling on the trinitycore npcbots page:


Or if you don't want to compile your own then you will have to find a teleporter script to add to the database.

Edited by TheSlipyShow
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