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The "server restart #" command doesn't restart worldserver.


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I've had this problem in the back of my mind for the last few days and I figured it would be a goo idea to ask about it here. Whenever I use the ".server restart #" command in-game or the "server restart #" command in the terminal, worldserver simply shuts down and doesn't startup again. I'm running this version of TrinityCore on a Debian x32 server.


I've only tried a few different ways to solve this problem, but all of them have failed. The solutions I've tried are:

  • Create a Bash script that starts up worldserver and restarts it whenever it shuts down. This solved the restarting problem, but it's a pain to manually shutdown the server and kill the process every time I need to shut down the server.
  • Create a Bash script that checks the return code when worldserver shuts down and either restarts it or lets it die depending on the return code, but the return code was always 0.
  • Set maxcore-stucktime to 10+, but this did nothing.

If anyone has an idea of how to get this working, the solution would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by FarquadTwo
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