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  1. Hello dear developers, i install base and base-devel system on my archlinux machine. Installed MySQL, OpenSSL, Boost, ZeroZMQ, Cmake, GCC. In attached files i add compile log, this source i sucessfully compiled on debian, on archlinux i have these errors. Any soulutions? compile.log
  2. Yes, i'm know that. I must have sql query for web registration.
  3. Hello, I'm here with another query, which I could not find anywhere using Google. Searching, I spent more than 5 hours, but I did not achieve anything.On the sql query that would create a bnet game account that I found, but now I need to still create bnet gameaccount which I entered in the accounts table. I do not know the Council because it's in the account in the username only writes values similar to this 9#1... My ask is: What can i'm create bnet gameaccount from bnet account with sql query?
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