Hey guys.i have a linux dedicated running ubuntu and i cant seem to get trinity up yet.i followed the instructions till after cmake when using make.I will post all of the info from terminal to here.I just saw there was errors but i dont know what they mean.Heres the info.thanks
:/build# cmake ../TrinityCore/ -DPREFIX=/home/trinity/server -DWITH_WARNINGS=1
-- Detected 64-bit platform
-- UNIX: Using default configuration directory
-- UNIX: Using default library directory
-- UNIX: Configuring uninstall target
-- UNIX: Created uninstall target
-- GCC: SSE2 flags forced
-- GCC: All warnings enabled
-- Using mysql-config: /usr/bin/mysql_config
-- Found MySQL library: /usr/lib/libmysqlclient_r.so
-- Found MySQL headers: /usr/include/mysql
-- Found Readline library: /usr/lib/libreadline.so
-- Include dir is: /usr/include
* TrinityCore rev. hash : 5485f92c5fa0
* TrinityCore rev. date : 2012-07-14 14:31:11 +0200
* TrinityCore buildtype : Release
* Install core to : /home/trinity/server
* Install libraries to : /home/trinity/server/lib
* Install configs to : /home/trinity/server/etc
* Build world/auth : Yes (default)
* Build with scripts : Yes (default)
* Build map/vmap tools : No (default)
* Build core w/PCH : Yes (default)
* Build scripts w/PCH : Yes (default)
* Show all warnings : Yes
* Use coreside debug : No (default)
-> Prepared: Spells
-> Prepared: Commands
-> Prepared: Examples
-> Prepared: Custom
-> Prepared: World
-> Prepared: Outdoor PVP Zones
-> Prepared: Eastern Kingdoms
-> Prepared: Kalimdor
-> Prepared: Outland
-> Prepared: Northrend
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
used as include directory in directory /TrinityCore/src/server/shared
used as include directory in directory /TrinityCore/src/server/game
used as include directory in directory /TrinityCore/src/server/collision
used as include directory in directory /TrinityCore/src/server/authserver
used as include directory in directory /TrinityCore/src/server/scripts
used as include directory in directory /TrinityCore/src/server/worldserver
linked by target "shared" in directory /TrinityCore/src/server/shared
linked by target "worldserver" in directory /TrinityCore/src/server/worldserver
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
error i recieve make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
root@cl-t178-303cl:/build# make install
make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.