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Everything posted by gonzaloleon

  1. Yes! Now worldserver.exe runs but: Paste: 1xzw994hg3djl Suggestions? thanks! Same problem as: Problem with Worldserver.exe - Spell custom attributes. - Help and Support - TrinityCore
  2. I'll test it in a moment and tell us. Thanks!
  3. Hi all! How are you? I'm having troubles to run worldserver.exe in windows XP, compiled in it with Visual Studio 2008 without any problem. AuthServer run's without problems, but worlserver not . If i debug, the crash is in MovementUtil.cpp, Line 31. Crash files attached. Thanks!!! Gonzalo EDIT1: - If i compiled in Windows 7, it runs without problem. Paste: 185yhubaeqxng Archived_worldserver.exe_1-1_0-21-14.txt
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