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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. The first 2 things were done propperly, I'm not sure what you mean with set their permissions properly though? Care to elaborate?=) Thanks in Advance! Camilla
  2. Hello, I'm pretty new at this, before trying to compile a trinity server I've only downloaded some pre-made servers, so I need a little help. I've been following two guides, 1 newb friendly but with a lack of information in my opinion and one which game me the additional information needed, but a problem has come up though! Links: http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/How-to_Win#How-to_Win-SoftwareRequired - http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?111111-How-to-compile-a-fresh-Trinity-Core When I try to open authserver.exe it quickly writes something and then shuts down, and since I'm a newb then I don't know what's wrong :@ These are the errors I get: In the last line of second spoiler, I did enter the correct root;password, I just eddited it 'cause I use that password elsewhere aswell =) So, if anyone can help me, then I'd appreciate it a lot - Oh also, I've been looking for others who has had same problem, but haven't been able to find one that solves mine. Camilla - Got no idea why my second spoiler won't work -.-
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