Hey guys im Using windows 7 x64
Visual C++ 2010 Express x86
im using the guide http://www.trinitycore.info/How-to:Win to build my server as i would love to start learning how the databases work and how scripting works.
i got up to Installing The Trinity Databases on the guide.
my first question is in the mysql server there are 3 databases by default: sql, Information_schema and test. do i need these 3? secondly how do i import the other 3 databases using the C:\Trinity\sql\create\create_mysql.sql
could i just not manually create the 3 databases among the default SQL DB and information_schema DB and then import the 3 DB's structures by importing character_database.sql, auth_database.sql and "TDB_full" .sql respectfully.
also i might have broken the sql server by accidentally deleting the default sql database and now when i try reinstall mySQL server it freezes when it tries to start the windows service. im sorry if my questions are stupid i tried my best to sound like i know what im talking about haha.
please be patient with me if possible
thanks for your time.