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Posts posted by skipperheartbeat

  1. 5 hours ago, ahandyman59 said:

    If you upgrade to debian 9 from 8, be aware there are some serious issues with Mysql. Your old mysql from debian 8 definitely will not work. What I suggest you do is install something like virtualbox and create a virtual machine and install debian 9 on it and install trinitycore server there. Trying to work around what is already installed on your debian system is a pain.



    The only issue i ran into was when it updated to MariaDB i needed to add default-libmysqlclient-dev from synaptic.

  2. I've just ran some updates on my Ubuntu Install and when updating the 3.3.5 core i get the below error right at the end. Prior to doing this i needed to upgrade gcc to 6.3 and i also tried clang but same result. Although its showing a boost error, it is at v 1.58 and has been for some time AFAIK.

    Is it something i've done during the updates to Ubuntu or something in the PR?


    ../game/libgame.a(DBCStores.cpp.o): In function `boost::cpp_regex_traits<wchar_t>::transform_primary[abi:cxx11](wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*) const':
    /usr/include/boost/regex/v4/cpp_regex_traits.hpp:965: undefined reference to `boost::re_detail::cpp_regex_traits_implementation<wchar_t>::transform_primary[abi:cxx11](wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*) const'
    ../game/libgame.a(DBCStores.cpp.o): In function `boost::cpp_regex_traits<wchar_t>::transform[abi:cxx11](wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*) const':
    /usr/include/boost/regex/v4/cpp_regex_traits.hpp:961: undefined reference to `boost::re_detail::cpp_regex_traits_implementation<wchar_t>::transform[abi:cxx11](wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*) const'
    collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
    src/server/worldserver/CMakeFiles/worldserver.dir/build.make:211: recipe for target 'src/server/worldserver/worldserver' failed
    make[2]: *** [src/server/worldserver/worldserver] Error 1
    CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1596: recipe for target 'src/server/worldserver/CMakeFiles/worldserver.dir/all' failed
    make[1]: *** [src/server/worldserver/CMakeFiles/worldserver.dir/all] Error 2
    Makefile:127: recipe for target 'all' failed
    make: *** [all] Error 2


    • Upvote 1
  3. I can't get the connection patcher to work under window 7. The wiki says to drop the wow.exe on top of the connection patcher file or use command line (no help given there), but nothing happens.

    I can patch using linux by connecting a USB drive with the game files on, and am able to login using that drive once patched, so i know the patcher works, but not on another PC with win7 and a local client.

    Can anyone offer any help to patch the 7.2.5 client in windows please?

  4. Updated and its working fine. Logged into game and all seems good. Can't comment on any improvement over previous version though. Maybe you were just unlucky with the corruption CDawg


    TrinityCore rev. 9c1a426202ba 2017-07-14 06:50:41 +0200 (3.3.5 branch) (Unix, Release, Static) (authserver)
    <Ctrl-C> to stop.

     ______                       __
    /\__  _\       __          __/\ \__
    \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __
       \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \
        \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \
         \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
          \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
                                     C O R E  /\___/
    http://TrinityCore.org \/__/

    Using configuration file /home/dave/server/etc/authserver.conf.
    Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2l  25 May 2017 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2l  25 May 2017)
    Using Boost version: 1.62.0
    Automatic database updates are disabled for all databases!
    Opening DatabasePool 'auth'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous connections: 1.
    MySQL client library: 10.1.23-MariaDB
    MySQL server ver: 10.1.23-MariaDB-9+deb9u1
    Connected to MySQL database at
    MySQL client library: 10.1.23-MariaDB
    MySQL server ver: 10.1.23-MariaDB-9+deb9u1
    Connected to MySQL database at
    DatabasePool 'auth' opened successfully. 2 total connections running.
    Started auth database connection pool.
    Added realm "Trinity" at


  5. 7 hours ago, CDawg said:

    Did you get it working?
    I had the same issue testing out mariadb and loading the libraries, I was furious that it overwrote my tables, libraries, data, etc.. (I thought it would install parallel and read my db so that I could test performance over true mysql server).

    I just completely uninstalled any trace of it. If you need to backup data, do a mysqldump first.


    I haven't got to the point where i've ran the server as i'm trying to get a Master branch set up using only a laptop and USB hard drive :)

    Tables look fine though, doesn't look corrupt. I will need to update the installed 3.3.5 that was already installed before the Debian upgrade. Will give it a go some time today and let you know how i get on.

    MariaDB [(none)]> use world
    Reading table information for completion of table and column names
    You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

    Database changed
    MariaDB [world]> show tables;
    | Tables_in_world                   |
    | access_requirement                |
    | achievement_criteria_data         |
    | achievement_dbc                   |
    | achievement_reward                |
    | achievement_reward_locale         |
    | areatrigger_involvedrelation      |
    | areatrigger_scripts               |
    | areatrigger_tavern                |
    | areatrigger_teleport              |
    | battleground_template             |
    | battlemaster_entry                |
    | broadcast_text                    |
    | broadcast_text_locale             |
    | command                           |
    | conditions                        |
    | creature                          |
    | creature_addon                    |
    | creature_classlevelstats          |
    | creature_equip_template           |
    | creature_formations               |
    | creature_loot_template            |
    | creature_model_info               |
    | creature_onkill_reputation        |
    | creature_questender               |
    | creature_questitem                |
    | creature_queststarter             |
    | creature_summon_groups            |
    | creature_template                 |
    | creature_template_addon           |
    | creature_template_locale          |
    | creature_text                     |
    | creature_text_locale              |
    | disables                          |
    | disenchant_loot_template          |
    | event_scripts                     |
    | exploration_basexp                |
    | fishing_loot_template             |
    | game_event                        |
    | game_event_arena_seasons          |
    | game_event_battleground_holiday   |
    | game_event_condition              |
    | game_event_creature               |
    | game_event_creature_quest         |
    | game_event_gameobject             |
    | game_event_gameobject_quest       |
    | game_event_model_equip            |
    | game_event_npc_vendor             |
    | game_event_npcflag                |
    | game_event_pool                   |
    | game_event_prerequisite           |
    | game_event_quest_condition        |
    | game_event_seasonal_questrelation |
    | game_tele                         |
    | game_weather                      |
    | gameobject                        |
    | gameobject_addon                  |
    | gameobject_loot_template          |
    | gameobject_questender             |
    | gameobject_questitem              |
    | gameobject_queststarter           |
    | gameobject_template               |
    | gameobject_template_addon         |
    | gameobject_template_locale        |
    | gossip_menu                       |
    | gossip_menu_option                |
    | gossip_menu_option_locale         |
    | graveyard_zone                    |
    | instance_encounters               |
    | instance_template                 |
    | item_enchantment_template         |
    | item_loot_template                |
    | item_set_names                    |
    | item_set_names_locale             |
    | item_template                     |
    | item_template_locale              |
    | lfg_dungeon_rewards               |
    | lfg_dungeon_template              |
    | linked_respawn                    |
    | mail_level_reward                 |
    | mail_loot_template                |
    | milling_loot_template             |
    | npc_spellclick_spells             |
    | npc_text                          |
    | npc_text_locale                   |
    | npc_trainer                       |
    | npc_vendor                        |
    | outdoorpvp_template               |
    | page_text                         |
    | page_text_locale                  |
    | pet_levelstats                    |
    | pet_name_generation               |
    | pickpocketing_loot_template       |
    | player_classlevelstats            |
    | player_factionchange_achievement  |
    | player_factionchange_items        |
    | player_factionchange_quests       |
    | player_factionchange_reputations  |
    | player_factionchange_spells       |
    | player_factionchange_titles       |
    | player_levelstats                 |
    | player_xp_for_level               |
    | playercreateinfo                  |
    | playercreateinfo_action           |
    | playercreateinfo_cast_spell       |
    | playercreateinfo_item             |
    | playercreateinfo_skills           |
    | playercreateinfo_spell_custom     |
    | points_of_interest                |
    | points_of_interest_locale         |
    | pool_creature                     |
    | pool_gameobject                   |
    | pool_pool                         |
    | pool_quest                        |
    | pool_template                     |
    | prospecting_loot_template         |
    | quest_details                     |
    | quest_mail_sender                 |
    | quest_offer_reward                |
    | quest_poi                         |
    | quest_poi_points                  |
    | quest_request_items               |
    | quest_template                    |
    | quest_template_addon              |
    | quest_template_locale             |
    | reference_loot_template           |
    | reputation_reward_rate            |
    | reputation_spillover_template     |
    | script_spline_chain_meta          |
    | script_spline_chain_waypoints     |
    | script_waypoint                   |
    | skill_discovery_template          |
    | skill_extra_item_template         |
    | skill_fishing_base_level          |
    | skill_perfect_item_template       |
    | skinning_loot_template            |
    | smart_scripts                     |
    | spell_area                        |
    | spell_bonus_data                  |
    | spell_custom_attr                 |
    | spell_dbc                         |
    | spell_enchant_proc_data           |
    | spell_group                       |
    | spell_group_stack_rules           |
    | spell_learn_spell                 |
    | spell_linked_spell                |
    | spell_loot_template               |
    | spell_pet_auras                   |
    | spell_proc                        |
    | spell_ranks                       |
    | spell_required                    |
    | spell_script_names                |
    | spell_scripts                     |
    | spell_target_position             |
    | spell_threat                      |
    | spelldifficulty_dbc               |
    | transports                        |
    | trinity_string                    |
    | updates                           |
    | updates_include                   |
    | vehicle_accessory                 |
    | vehicle_template_accessory        |
    | version                           |
    | warden_checks                     |
    | waypoint_data                     |
    | waypoint_scripts                  |
    | waypoints                         |
    166 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    MariaDB [world]>


  6. 2 hours ago, CDawg said:

    You don't need mariadb (for your version of linux OS). I'm only using mysql. Your cmake config is still viewing marialib.
    Just blow away the build directory, remove mariadb, load only mysql and start over from cmake, then build.

    apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev mysql-server

    I ran into this issue after upgrading from Debian 8 to 9. I believe it was updated to mariadb as part of the upgrade, but i may have removed something by mistake, can't remember. Installing mysql-server through apt-get didn't fix it.

    In synaptic, i installed default-libmysqlclient-dev to get it going again.

  7. You need to re-read the wiki and follow step by step. If you want to build maps, vmaps etc. then you need to build with -DTOOLS=1.

    You don't need to git pull again as you've already cloned the latest repo. You've skipped to keeping the the build up to date.

    You need to put the database SQL into the server folder where the worldserver binary is, and start the server .. It will auto populate the database.

    Don't know what you are doing with Heidi,are you running that via wine on the Linux PC or from a different machine? Assuming its a different machine since you've granted privileges to *.* If you are connecting from a different machine, you need to change the bind address in my.cnf to instead of the local host address. You'll need to restart mysql after that.

  8. I've only done this on 3.3.5, but i don't see why you need external and internal addresses defined. You would only need the  neprahines.no-ip.biz defined in you Auth/Relmlist table and all connections (internal and external) should point to that as the login server. When you try to connect internally, it should hit the external port of your router with the external IP and be re-directed to your server from the port forward. Make sure your ISP external address hasn't changed if its dynamic.


  9. 10 hours ago, codeman8214 said:

    Try using your router IP instead of localhost as followed 192.168.xxx.xxx if that doesn't work try something for me and open ports 3724, 8085, & 1119 on your router then use your main IP address.  If you don't know what it is either check your router or go to www.whatismyip.com

    I don't see why bouncing the traffic off a router would help in any way (although i have no idea how 7.2 works). MDK has everything local by the sounds of it, so more need to check all the IP's in the link match up. i.e. Relmlist table, conf.wtf, realmlist in data directory (if still used) and also make sure there is no hosts.sam entry or anti virus blocking.

    Just my opinion.

  10. I'm getting the below messages in the console log. Are they normal or have i missed something? It was a completely fresh install and database/updates installed on auto. Plays fine as far as i can see.

    I'm running Debian 8

    TrinityCore rev. 224399958d68 2017-04-22 12:26:48 +0200 (3.3.5 branch) (Unix, Release, Static) (worldserver-daemon)


    Generating spell proc data from SpellMap...
    Spell Id 6940 has DBC ProcFlags 699048, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 7366 has DBC ProcFlags 69972, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 18499 has DBC ProcFlags 139944, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 28313 has DBC ProcFlags 1581224, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 32065 has DBC ProcFlags 262144, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 33891 has DBC ProcFlags 174624, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 35244 has DBC ProcFlags 262144, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 36659 has DBC ProcFlags 262144, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 40453 has DBC ProcFlags 1581224, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 40879 has DBC ProcFlags 664096, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 41341 has DBC ProcFlags 1747624, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 44586 has DBC ProcFlags 697000, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 45092 has DBC ProcFlags 664232, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 49145 has DBC ProcFlags 131072, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 50462 has DBC ProcFlags 131752, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 50498 has DBC ProcFlags 16, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 51809 has DBC ProcFlags 131752, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 53032 has DBC ProcFlags 81936, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 53578 has DBC ProcFlags 16, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 53579 has DBC ProcFlags 16, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 53580 has DBC ProcFlags 16, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 53581 has DBC ProcFlags 16, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 53582 has DBC ProcFlags 16, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 62142 has DBC ProcFlags 69648, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 64205 has DBC ProcFlags 699048, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 66334 has DBC ProcFlags 245760, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 67905 has DBC ProcFlags 245760, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 67906 has DBC ProcFlags 245760, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 67907 has DBC ProcFlags 245760, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 72151 has DBC ProcFlags 69972, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 72648 has DBC ProcFlags 69972, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 72649 has DBC ProcFlags 69972, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.
    Spell Id 72650 has DBC ProcFlags 69972, but it's of non-proc aura type, it probably needs an entry in `spell_proc` table to be handled correctly.




    Greetings !

    I have fallowed the guide on Debian 7 installing &compiling trinitycore

    I have done every step

    Compile went good, no errors

    When i try to start auth&worldserver i get this error


    TrinityCore rev. d291519d3804 2014-02-20 17:36:23 +0100 (master branch) (Unix, Release) (authserver)
    <Ctrl-C> to stop.
    Using configuration file /home/wow/server/conf/authserver.conf.
    OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013 (Library: OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013)
    Opening DatabasePool 'auth'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous connections: 1.
    MySQL client library: 5.5.35
    MySQL server ver: 5.5.35-0+wheezy1 
    Connected to MySQL database at
    MySQL client library: 5.5.35
    MySQL server ver: 5.5.35-0+wheezy1 
    Connected to MySQL database at
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 70, sql: "SELECT c.country FROM ip2nationCountries c, ip2nation i WHERE i.ip < ? AND c.code = i.country ORDER BY i.ip DESC LIMIT 0,1"
    Table 'auth.ip2nationCountries' doesn't exist
    DatabasePool auth NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.
    Cannot connect to database
    Using configuration file /home/wow/server/conf/worldserver.conf.
    Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013)
    Using ACE version: 6.0.3
    TrinityCore rev. d291519d3804 2014-02-20 17:36:23 +0100 (master branch) (Unix, Release) (worldserver-daemon)
    <Ctrl-C> to stop.
     ______                       __
    /__  _       __          __/ __
    /_/ / _ __ /_    ___ /_ , _  __  __
        /`'__/ /' _ `/ / / /
        / / / _ _
          _ _   _ _ _ _ __/`____
          /_//_/   /_//_//_//_//__/ `/___/>
                                     C O R E  /___/
    http://TrinityCore.org                    /__/
    DatabasePool auth NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.
    Cannot connect to login database127.0.0.1;3306;MYACCOUNTHERE;MYPASSWORDHERE;auth
    Also i have to mention that i have tried to replace the ip with the host's ip and no work.
    Also i would like to add that i can connect with MYACCOUNTHERE and MYPASSWORD here to mysql and all dbs are just fine AND up-to-date.
    Please help.



    I had this same issue when i decided to move my Trinity install from my Windows PC to my old laptop running Linux. I used the databases directly from my windows PC and ran the latest updates, and found the table  ip2nationCountries in the database is actually  ip2nationcountries with the lower case 'c'. Changed it to uppercase and all was fine.

  12. How exactly have you made it "Public"? From the Realmlist in your Auth database you have no hostname and a localhost address. I'm assuming you have port forwarded 8085 (or 8086 can't remember) and pointed it to the server IP address but for external users you will need to have your Public IP address in the realmlist and also configure the public IP in the realmlist.wtf in the client.

    Unless i'm missing your point ??

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