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  1. So I haven't touched WoW emulation in about 3-4 years. During that time I've deleted everything I had, including various clients. For the past couple of days I've been struggling to find a source for the client (3.3.5a) that I can confirm isn't edited in some way - both for security and for actual function. I hear people are messing around with the mpq's more and more these days and I don't want to be extracting edited files. In the absence of a source that I knew was clean/unedited or that was somehow verifiable (even anecdotally), I decided to obtain multiple copies of the client from various sources, hash each file individually, and if the hashes matched over multiple versions I could confirm the file to have been untouched from the original source. I've had no luck with this, as I've found no two clients in the wild to have matching mpqs or matching versions of certain dlls - even the specific filesizes are different so theres no way they'd pass the hash check. So my question is this: Is there any known hash for the original untouched client files, or were they produced in an environment that would cause the mpqs/dlls to have different filesizes/versions such as if the original blizzard downloader had a tendency to only download partial data or write junk data to the files? If no hash exists for any of these reasons, can anyone trustworthy attest to the authenticity of a particular source to me in PM or something? Security and integrity is a big deal; there's got to be some way you guys are maintaining it.
  2. I believe it doesn't matter as far as your use case goes. I stick to the default Window's console window.
  3. Boost is a set of libraries required to compile the Trinitycore project, its a dependency, nothing needs to be run once you have it - the libraries are portable by nature, they come precompiled and just "exist", nothing to run. Provided you have the correct files (you do) in the location specified in the guide (can't tell from your screenshot), and have set the BOOST_ROOT environment variable as shown in the guide, you can safely move on without issue - there are instructions in the Trinitycore source that will automatically tell CMake where to look for, and what to do with, the boost files once you get to that step in the installation - you don't need to worry about them so long as they exist on your system and you have followed the guide. At this point (the requirements step), all you need to do is follow the steps and make sure you have each of the programs and files on your computer - you don't need to worry about doing anything with the files or programs once they're properly installed, just make sure you have them - later on in the guide you'll be told what to do with them.
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