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Everything posted by Luminariah

  1. Well I am not going to release it without the explicit permission of the person who made it, for hours of work went into it. This is not my decision but when I am entrusted with these files I dare not betray that trust, for all I have is my word. If that is how it must be, I'll continue to look elsewhere for help, thanks for everything Jason.
  2. Well I feel terrible. Wrong archive, you can slap meh now. I just messaged you, thanks for the patience.
  3. Paradox, As much as I hear what you are saying, my intention was not to make them public for the hardwork that the people put into them. These do not compare to the great work of Trinity Core because these are custom scripts built for Trinity Core, not the actual engine itself. That being said, I sent the password to Jason. Please forgive me for not posting it publicly. Best Regards, Luminariah
  4. The rules are now understood, sorry. Just to let you know, there are about 40 +/- or them :s Sorry for this. I will PM you the password.
  5. It's not a custom core persay, it's a Trinity Core that's modified with custom C++ scripts. We ran into this problem compiling on Windows.
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