I'm trying to compile a TrinityCore 3.3.5a server. i have compiled many times before (never on this computer) and i have never had any problems until now.
first of all i create a folder in C:/ named "Trinity" and then i create another folder in C:/ named "Build" i rightclick the Trinity folder and chose gitex clone and in repository to clone i type "https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore.git" and in Destination i type C:/Trinity and then Clone. then i open Cmake and i type C:/Trinity in "Where is the source code" field and C:/Build in "Where to build the binaries" field. then i click "Configure" and i check the "TOOLS" field and i click "Configure" again and then i click "Generate" then i go to folder C:/Build and open TrinityCore.sln with Microsoft Visual C++ 9 2008. and that was the same version i choosed with Cmake. and then i change from "Debug" to "Release" and then i click the green playmark and it gives me
this error's:
Error 1 error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'std::_Tree<_Traits>::const_iterator' to 'std::_Tree<_Traits>::iterator' c:TrinitysrcserverscriptsOutlandHellfireCitadelBloodFurnaceinstance_blood_furnace.cpp 309
Error 2 error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'std::_Tree<_Traits>::const_iterator' to 'std::_Tree<_Traits>::iterator' c:TrinitysrcserverscriptsOutlandHellfireCitadelBloodFurnaceinstance_blood_furnace.cpp 403
Error 3 fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '..scriptsReleasescripts.lib' worldserver
all programs i downloaded is for 32bit windows version but i'm on a 64bit computer but that should not be the problem. i have done it before with 32bit vesrion programs. the programs i have downloaded is
1. GitExtensions
2. Visual C++ 2008 Express
3. CMake
4. OpenSSL
i'll download heidiSQL later when my error have been fixed. but anyway this is what i have done and i'm getting errors... i check the C:BuildsrcserverscriptsRelease folder but there is no scripts.lib file there only scripts.idb.
All help is very appreciated. sorry if my english is bad but i'm quite sure that everyone will understand, and also sorry for the extremly destailed info. could had made this post so much shorter but i like to explain in detail from start.