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Everything posted by marcusw03

  1. Okay I think I finally got myself through the confusion. I did some tails on all the files and compared dates and times and hopefully I have it up to snuff. everything is running without errors so far. sometimes I guess I just need to ask for help for the answer to fall in my lap.
  2. I have also noticed that the auth file in TrinityCore/sql/base/ was a dump completed on -- Dump completed on 2013-09-10 23:18:53 . there are updates for this file since this was created 2013_09_29_00_auth_misc.sql. correct? -- Dump completed on 2013-02-04 16:22:06 this is the characters file dump in the base folder. looks like it is from 2/4/13 and there is one update since then. 2013_07_19_00_characters_corpse.sql
  3. Okay I am having similar issues with this manual. I am installing via linux. I used the create sql file to setup my dbs. I then imported the sql files from /home/wow/TrinityCore/sql/base/ two files in there auth and characters. Now the pack that I downloaded has this date on it. TDB_full_335.52_2013_07_17. That means it is 7/17/2013. I applied the TDB_full_335.52_2013_07_17.sql to my world db. to do all of this I do mysql -p dbname < sqlfile.sql this works fine. Question 1: Here is where I am confused. Should I be doing ANYTHING with the auth and char files that come in the TDB_full_335.52_2013_07_17.7z? If so, should they be applied before or after the ones in the Trinity Folder? Questoin 2: Should I be applying updates since there are updates in the SQL folder that are past the "FULL" version? 2013_10_13_01_world ... is the latest one in there. Question 3: If I try to apply ANY of the updates for Auth I always get something like this: ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 23: Table 'auth.rbac_role_permissions' doesn't exist. How do I get resolve that? my last question has to do with a custom script so it may need to be taken else where. Question 4: When I try to apply the sql updates for my custom script, TrinityBots, I get similar issues as question 3. mysql> show tables; +--------------------------+ | Tables_in_auth | +--------------------------+ | account | | account_access | | account_banned | | autobroadcast | | ip2nation | | ip2nationCountries | | ip_banned | | logs | | rbac_account_permissions | | rbac_default_permissions | | rbac_linked_permissions | | rbac_permissions | | realmcharacters | | realmlist | | uptime | +--------------------------+ 15 rows in set (0.00 sec) Marcus Edit: Pasted copy of auth show tables. 2. clarity.
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