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About mrblue
- Birthday 04/24/1975
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chiang mai - thailand
computers, photography, astronomy, movies, lego, dogs...
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...and for sure someone who can't compile C++ and cannot understand SQL properly can point out that if you do that action in that place in that circumstance can cause a crash, that maybe is caused by a simple mistake made by someone who can compile C++ and understand SQL, but didn't check is job carefully. I still think that if someone wants to play wow, would just register at one of those free private servers online and not spend time on making his private server and play with, let's say 4? 5? friends and meet the chance to get struck in a not working quest or bad/not scripted area.
not to make things bigger, but to take side of newbies and MrSmite actually the guide says: ...look at the top of that list, you should see something like "Sync with TrinityCore/TrinityCore@14d80d2". Does the string after the "@" symbol match your server version? If yes, GREAT! If no, see Revision Matching below. "something like" doesn't mean "stay on" and in that page you can find "sync with TrinityCore/ff3524f" people who could help the project can be also people who just test their own server and find errors like what beta testers do. if they wanted to make a server just to play, why not just join one of those free working servers that can be found online? just my two cents
I always used vs10 because using wxp pro and vs2013 needs w7 or w8. today I tried on another pc with w7 and everything went fine. what is fun is that I cannot compile trinitycore 3.3.5a under w7 (for some unknown reasons), and cannot compile trinitycore 4.3.4 under wxp! anyway, now I have TWO compiled 4.3.4 versions. the one under wxp "works": I can connect, create a character but cannot interact with anyone (I think old commit) the one under w7 does not even starts! I get the error DatabasePool world4 NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors. Cannot connect to world database;3306;root;password;world4 the sqldriver logfile is empty the DBerrors file says In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 53, sql: "SELECT name, permission, help FROM command" Unknown column 'permission' in 'field list' I will give up soon! and stay on 3.3.5a
ok! finally everything worked fine! all maps. vmaps and mmaps have been successfully extracted! now I'm struck on setting up the server! I cloned everything, but visual10 has some troubles at compiling all the stuff. once I got some files another one something else. the main problem is I cannot get the worldserver.exe compiled, due to some errors on the QuestDef.h file... at last I decided to try a two weeks ago cloned stuff and it worked, but the server still doesn't start. I think I didn't get the "revision matching" part, but I'll sort it out... as said before, next week I'll try again all the update process! even if sharing on a private LAN, it could be used in a wrong way by some people, but it would be good for good people! I downloaded a couple of 4.3.4 full torrents, one 4.0.6 torrent and a 3.3.5a torrent, and I've not been able to extract maps from none of the 4.3.4, and could not update the 3.3.5a. both 4.3.4 started, but since I have not a working server yet I could not test them, the 3.3.5a worked fine on a 2 weeks old trinity server.
well.. now mapextractor started to work ! vmap4extractor is working as well... vmap4assembler is working and processing maps files... when finished, I'll run mmaps and then try to launch the server. woah!!! it hasn't been difficult... just tiring!!! next days will try to update again the client on another machine, so maybe things will go smoother and in case, will be able to help someone not so lucky! Paradox: my "wow-dream" would be a fully updated client through blizzard server and a trinitycore server at 4.3.4 (or whatever) release... am I asking too much? LOL
I live in thailand, and funny thing! if I download using jdownloader, emule or http links, I can sometimes reach 1.3Mb/s, but usually never under 400/500kb/s, but for some strange reason utorrent & co. are very slow! I have never seen anything over 100/150kb/s. those wow clients "run" at no more than 10kb/s! the wow patch of 14.8Gb has been downloaded (the first time) in about 5/6 hours! note: stll have to check the last attempt of wow 4.3.4 update. will update later.
I have no explanation to this... but now wow.exe starts! it took a while to open because it had to perform some optimization tasks (no, not the launcher). after that I noticed it "combined" some files in data and dataengb folders and the world2.mpq file I was missing it "magically" appeared. the reason wow.exe didn't start for quite a few times before realizing it has to merge those files is unclear to me... now I started the background downloader and it still has to download about 14gb (again!) of data, but now it says that the file is to from the connection info panel, it seems to me that half or so of data has been already downloaded, so maybe it will just download the remaining and then jump at the end. tomorrow will give more info on this. while waiting I tried to download the monster-wow and the eternal-wow clients... too bad they will be ready in about 7 weeks or so!
ok... did it again for the third time! nothing, nothing, nothing! still the same result: start wow and get the error message: "cannot stream required archive data. please check the network connection" no wowerror.exe started, just a plain window from wow.exe! mapextractor doesn't work: except for the dbc folder, doesn't even create the maps folder. one of the next days will try from another computer under windows xp pro 32bit. all my tests until now have been done on win7 64bit.
run wow after each update for no specific reason, just wanted to check if working or not... taking a NO as a wrong made update. launcher is not allowed to connect to internet at all! once it screwed up everything and since that time it is blocked, so no worry for that! at the first background downloader step, nothing has been found to be downloaded. so I tried now and is downloading to after finished, I'll go on with the updates and see if it has some more to download after update, and then hope to reach the final step. thank you!
too many troubles! started again all the update process! even the three downloaded clients are not good for extracting maps, vmaps & c. EDIT: doing all the update process again! following your guide step by step! after the very first update, WoW, refused to start giving errors... I started again with same result, then bored, I kept going on with the second update and so on... at every update, wow never wanted to start giving errors... arrived at the 4.2.0-14333 version and now wow starts normally! (cannot login to any server though) in the data folder I am still missing the world2.mpq file. I tried background downloader at wow- and no updates were available. I tried now and 14.8Gb are available. finish in about 7 hours. what do you think? the updates I have found starting from now, require to copy a bunch of files, including wow.exe wow.tfil/mfil battle.net and some MPQ to be put inside data and data/enGb, but NO win-final files (I already downloaded yours) I'm not sure, should I run the update with those files? I just did the 14333 update by just copying that bunch of files and didn't run any update. wow starts and seems working, but I still have to run the batch updater files pointing at win-final.mpq!!! (the wow.exe is already updated since I copied from the archive, so there should not be any need to run the file... or am I wrong) I wait for a sufggestion before proceeding... too scared!!!
ouch! my folders are not quite the same... have all those files except world2.mpq, but have many more wow-update-base-xxxxx.mpq and wow-update-enGB-xxxxx.mpq !!! I also have alternate.mpq + alternate.mpq.lock files. I tried removing some and copying the world2 I have from a downloaded cata client, but what I get now is a new error message! the error I got before (no world2 file) is just a plain window with written "cannot stream required archive data. please check the network connection". if I copy the world2 file I have from a downloaded cata client, I also get an error from the wowerror.exe: This application has encountered a critical error: --- ERROR #134 (0x85100086) Fatal condition! Program: H:TEMP GAMESWorld of Warcraft 4.3.4Wow.exe ProcessID: 4812 Failed to read file from local. Details: (Streaming Status: Enabled / Mfil Not Rdy / Data Not Rdy, Build: 15595) [6] err=0 text=SFileReadFile - signaturefile - Data/wow-update-base-15595.MPQ [5] err=-2062548861 text=System_Mopaq::delta_open - error and close [4] err=1006 text=System_Mopaq::DeltaData::OpenSrcFile - fail to open signaturefile - Data/wow-update-base-15211.MPQ [3] err=2 text=SFileOpenFileEx - signaturefile [2] err=-2062548861 text=System_Mopaq::delta_open - error and close [1] err=1006 text=System_Mopaq::DeltaData::OpenSrcFile - fail to open signaturefile - Data/wow-update-base-15211.MPQ [0] err=2 text=SFileOpenFileEx - signaturefile Storm Error Msg:The system cannot find the file specified. WoWBuild: 15595 Version: 4.3.4 Type: WoW Platform: X86 Patch data download failed. Error downloading patch data from server '' , error code : cannotConnectError Error downloading patch data from server '' , error code : cannotConnectError --- after removing some x.mpq files (those I have more than you) and copying the world2.mpq file I have, if I start the background downloader, it starts from the beginning, teying to download all the 14.8Gb, but after less than a minute it reaches 12.8Gb and start downloading at normal speed... I'll see in few hours what is going to happen. thank you for your help!
finished downloading those 14.8gb, restarting the background downloader gives no other options. I start the client and get the error message "cannot stream required archive data. please check the network connection". needless to say that the connection is working, I just don't allow the game to connect to the blizz servers by changing the realmlist file avoiding any dangerous update to a 4.3.4+ version. mapextractor doesn't work, except for the dbc folder. what am I missing? thank you for your help!
UPDATE got through the 13329-13596 update. I downloaded your collection of xxx-final.mpq files and updated from the corresponding file. even if it was enUS, I have been able to update by just changing the name to wow-patch.mpq, no need to run the commandline version of blizzard updater. after that I'm slowly going through because of MANY corrupted archives downloaded from internet, and "lucky" me they were the 400mb, 500mb and 800mb ones! had to download from two or even three hosts (!!!) to make them work. until now the only obscure point is the 4.0.3-13287 to 4.0.3-13329, which I don't know how I have been able to do. after I end up to a usable 4.3.4 client, I'll try to repeat the process on another computer and try to figure that out. EDIT: finally reached 4.3.4-15595! now the background downloader is downloading a whopping 14.8gb of files... completing in about 194 hours (!!!) wow 4.2.0a.14480 to time will tell.
tried last night at 3am! maybe didn't do it right, but I am missing some "xxx-win-final.mpq" files. will try again today. anyway, I downloaded successfully a 4.3.4 client and I'm working on it now. but I MUST make the updates work... now it's a declared war! will give updates... and I hope solutions! thank you EDIT: update tried again with commandline and I still get this error "The file "Localization.xml" could not be loaded." the downloaded 4.3.4 client works, but cannot extract maps & c. maps extractor starts the process but suddenly interrupt with "cannot find" errors vmaps starts and after a while stops and vmaps assembler don't even starts I can guess this client is not a "full" client.
UPDATE don't know how, I have reached 4.0.3-13329. as said, it's late and my brain is not fully working! I think I tried changing the file wow.tfil with another one downloaded from the net (an us one) and trying copying that wow-update-13287.mpq in update + data + root folder and renamed it. tried background updater and BNUpdate.exe too. suddenly blizzard updater worked. now same situation, with the wow-update-13596.mpq file. this time I have also the correct tfil file, but all the previous steps don't work. background downloader starts for a seconds and then it tells me that it is a not an authorized download, blizzard updater says there is no patch file to apply, and BNUpdate gives me a "Localization.xml file cannot be loaded" error. it seems to me that a file named "wow-13329-13596-win-final.mpq" is missing, but searching around I cannot find it. I downloaded several updates, and none of them included it. next update later.