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  1. I'm able to log in and out fine, I'm able to do anything apart from type in commands or talk, I can use emotes though. I just tried it with two other clients and the same issue. Originally I had a fresh client that I used to extract all of the maps/vmaps and DBC files from, so I'm not sure if that could be affecting anything.
  2. Thanks a lot! Just dragged all of the updates and merged them together, imported all of them with only a few errors. Only one issue I'm having now -- once I'm in-game and I try to talk nothing happens, something with an Opcode for CMSG/SMSG? No defined handler for opcode [CMSG_QUERY_BATTLEFIELD_STATE 0x7202 (29186)] sent by [Player: Reppz (Guid: 1, Account: 1)] No defined handler for opcode [CMSG_GUILD_SET_ACHIEVEMENT_TRACKING 0x1027 (4135)] sent by [Player: Reppz (Guid: 1, Account: 1)] No defined handler for opcode [CMSG_REQUEST_CEMETERY_LIST 0x720A (29194)] sent by [Player: Reppz (Guid: 1, Account: 1)] Prevented sending disabled opcode [SMSG_GM_MESSAGECHAT 0x6434 (25652)] to [Player: Reppz (Guid: 1, Account: 1)] Thanks for the help <3
  3. Greetings fellow Azertohians, so I took a 3 year break from server emulation and decided its time to get back into it. A lot has changed since I came back -- now we're using GIT instead of Googlecode or tortoiseSVN. The main issue I'm having is with the Trinitycore revision, I was reading on the Wiki that you must "revision match" the Trinitycore with the ALPHA DB 4.3.4. (Sync with TrinityCore/ff3524f). This is where I get confused, If I'm syncing the latest compile with revision ff3524f wont it be equivalent to using Trinitycore's sourcecode from 6 months ago? I've tried using the latest source code directly from Trinitycores 4.3.4 branch and I just get an error when trying to connect to the world using the latest TDB. I'm confused with the whole revision & database matching, if anyone could clear up the revision ff3524f and latest revision I'd really appreciate it, I thought the latest revision contained more up-to-date changes. Thanks! -Reppz
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