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ok, im back .b so ive tested the new sql started my server, and its fine something like I've expected just one thing, again worgen and goblin dont have any languages cant speak. Do i change that in playercreateinfo_skill table, what numbers do I have to put there or do i do something else to enable that?
Oh so this http://www.trinitycore.org/f/files/file/9-tdb-full-434/ got updated nice, I was writing what I had last week. Hmm I just strted checking out my version and there is already some in-game langauge problems lol some chars cant speak so probably gonna recompile this sooner then later. hmm hmm i'll check that out and probably come back let you know if there are any issues so stay tuned peace and see you aokromes my pal
What do you mean i have TDB 4.3.4-06, I have the version he sent me, and yes if i have problems i have no other solution but ask him, since he was the only one who helped me atleast start and play my server. And about this trinity installation I guess I can repeat my problem again, so you've sent me to the first page where it says I've done all of that, and TDB_full_434.05_2013_07_17.7z.sql + ( https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore_4.3.4_DB_Alpha ) world_updates.sql = SQL errors Atleast for me last week, downloaded the same files that evening and got errors, first it was file to large but when I solved that had sql errors that were related to world_updates.sql Only difference from these instructions on the first page is I had to download it to my desktop and not clone folders with GIT, I dont think that should be a problem, correct me if I'm wrong.
Well anyhow I managed to get a server running yay thanks to the very helpful and polite AkwardDev from AC-web who gave me a clean world update for the TDB_full_434.05_2013_07_17.7z.sql I guess he made some custom update since it didnt give any errors unlike this https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore_4.3.4_DB_Alpha If anyone needs that message me or I dont know, maybe I can post it here if its ok? Sorry dude but thats pretty vague for my specific problem, I mean I understand you're having similar or same questions hundreds times per day but I really cant help you with that, maybe if you're stressed out you should just take a vacation or something. Because not only did you give me a link to the first page that I've already seen and isn't really helpful in my case but you wrote that I should return my computer somewhere, and that really doesnt have anything to do with nothing here except your frustration. So my friendly advice would be to try being more specific and also patient if you're role here is helping people out, if youre role is being a bitchy forum smartass posting sassy content then I guess you're fine.
Thanks ive put that in but now I'm getting this Query: ALTER TABLE `creature_classlevelstats` CHANGE `comment` `comment` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL Error occured at:2014-07-05 03:32:09 Line no.:417 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'comment' in 'creature_classlevelstats' I've checked are these some 3.3.5 sql's? I'm trying to run a 4.3.4 server, why do i need these, I mean I'm just trying to run this world update for the TDB and it gives these errors thats just not right. I dont understand why doesnt this TDB_full_434.05_2013_07_17.7z from here http://www.trinitycore.org/f/files/file/9-tdb-full-434/ work with this update here https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore_4.3.4_DB_Alpha ? Or atleast why doesnt it work on my computer I just added the world database then that update and it gives errors, it cant be right EDIT:I found this https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/894eb9a4454971ad2a2bf290fd3e2ea9e9a46fd0 I tried making a sql out of this lol and execute it had an error lol Quote Click on the "world" database and import any *.sql file available in your ...sqlupdatesworld folder. We dont do this for 4.3.4 right?
Thank you for the link although I've split the big update into smaller folders then made 3 sqls shift+left click command window - copy *.sql ,and last sql is giving me that error in my previous post.
Sorry dont understand what you mean, where do I use username password for what? And about the sql anyway now I've split the world update into smaller sqls so it can process it, getting this error on last part Query: DELETE FROM `spell_custom_attr` WHERE `entry` IN (72347) Error occured at:2014-07-04 01:12:45 Line no.:308 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'world.spell_custom_attr' doesn't exist
Ok gonna do it like that then and about that world error up there any idea what might be the problem?
Another unavoidable error, I create characters database apply characters_database.sql everything fine, as soon as i go execute the characters update from ..TrinityCoresqlupdatescharacters I add the 2014_03_29_00_characters_groups.sql and error: Query: ALTER TABLE `groups` ADD COLUMN `masterLooterGuid` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER `raiddifficulty` Error occured at:2014-06-28 16:00:38 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'masterLooterGuid' I'm just following the core tutorial and it doesnt work like this or maybeI've missed some step, but I dont see where could I've failed here I was using mysql server 5.6 before xampp had same problems
Hello I've solved the Index 5125 already exists in dbc:'achievement_dbc' just copied the DBC folder from some repack, and my client isnt modified I was just following this tutorial http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/How-To_Win+4.3.4#How-To_Win4.3.4-MySQLServerCommunityEdition Anyway now I'm having trouble with SQL, I've ditched Heidi installed SQLyog, xampp running the mysql server everything fine, and everytime - I create the databases, go apply the updates there are errors. So specifically I execute this last SQL from here http://www.trinitycore.org/f/files/download/9-tdb-full-434/ to world database in SQLyog TDB_full_434.05_2013_07_17.sql so far everything fine and now the problem, I create the world _update file from TrinityCore_4.3.4_DB_Alpha-master/tools with merge_windows.bat and everytime I go apply it to world database it stops at 35% with a huge error message that I cant even paste here so heres just last few lines: (51729, '', 'Ventaille ligelumière', 'Gesichtsschutz des Lichts', '', '', 'Visera juraluz', '', 'Большой шлем клятвы Свету'), (51730, '', 'Garde-jambes ligelumières', 'Beinschützer des Lichts', '', '', 'Musleras juraluz', '', 'Набедренники клятвы Свету'), (51731, '', 'Garde-épaules ligelumières', 'Schulterschutz des Lichts', '', '', 'Guardahombros juraluz', '', 'Наплечные щитки клятвы Свету'), (51732, '', 'Jambières d''acolyte cramoisi', 'Gamaschen des purpurroten Akolythen', '', '', 'Leotardos de acólito carmesí', '', 'Поножи послушника из Багрового Легиона'), (51733, '', 'Robe d''acolyte cramoisi', 'Robe des purpurroten Akolythen', '', '', 'Toga de acólito carmesí', '', 'Одеяние послушника из Багрового Легиона'), (51734, '', 'Protège-épaules d''acolyte cramoisi', 'Schulterpolster des purpurroten Akolythen', '', '', 'Hombreras de acólito carmesí', '', 'Наплечные пластины послушника из Багрового Легиона'), (51735, '', 'Gants d''acolyte cramoisi', 'Handschuhe des purpurroten Akolythen', '', '', 'Guantes de acólito carmesí', '', 'Перчатки послушника из Багрового Легиона'), (51736, '', 'Chaperon d''acolyte cramoisi', 'Kapuze des purpurroten Akolythen', '', '', 'Caperuza de acólito carmesí', '', 'Капюшон послушника из Багрового Легиона'), (51737, '', 'Capuche d''acolyte cramoisi', 'Gugel des purpurroten Akolythen', '', '', 'Alzacuellos de acólito carmesí', '', 'Клобук послушника из Багрового Легиона'), (51738, '', 'Protège-mains d''acolyte cramoisi', 'Handlappen des purpurroten Akolythen', '', '', 'Manijas de acólito carmesí', '', 'Повязки послушника из Багрового Легиона'), (51739, '', 'Mantelet d''acolyte cramoisi', 'Mantelung des purpurroten Akolythen', '', '', 'Manto de acólito carmesí', '', 'Мантия послушника из Багрового Легиона'), (51740, '', 'Grande tenue d''acolyte cramoisi', 'Gewandung des purpurroten Akolythen', '', '', 'Vestiduras de acólito carmesí', '', 'Облачение послушника из Багрового Легиона'), (51741, '', 'Pantalon d''acolyte cramoisi', 'Hose des purpurroten Akolythen', '', '', 'Pantalones de acólito carmesí', '', 'Штаны послушника из Багрового Легиона'), (51742, '', 'Gantelets de lame de l''ombre', 'Stulpen der Schattenklinge', '', '', 'Guanteletes de Hoja de las Sombras', '', 'Рукавицы теневого клинка'), (51743, '', 'Cuirasse de lame de l''ombre', 'Brustplatte der Schattenklinge', '', '', 'Coraza de Hoja de las Sombras', '', 'Кираса теневого клинка'), (51744, '', 'Cuissards de lame de l''ombre', 'Beinplatten der Schattenklinge', '', '', 'Quijotes de Hoja de las Sombras', '', 'Ножные латы теневого клинка'), (51745, '', 'Casque de lame de l''ombre', 'Helm der Schattenklinge', '', '', 'Casco de Hoja de las Sombras', '', 'Полный шлем теневого клинка'), (51746, '', 'Espauliers de lame de l''ombre', 'Schulterstücke der Schattenklinge', '', '', 'Espaldares de Hoja de las Sombras', '', 'Наплечье теневого клинка'), (51747, '', 'Tunique de sorcière du givre', 'Tunika der Frosthexe', '', '', 'Guerrera de bruja de Escarcha', '', 'Мундир ледяной ведьмы'), (51748, '', 'Garde-mains de sorcière du givre', 'Handschützer der Frosthexe', '', '', 'Manoplas de bruja de Escarcha', '', 'Боевые рукавицы ледяной ведьмы'), (51749, '', 'Chapel de sorcière du givre', 'Kopfstück der Frosthexe', '', '', 'Celada de bruja de Escarcha', '', 'Головной убор ледяной ведьмы'), (51750, '', 'Garde-jambes de sorcière du givre', 'Beinschützer der Frosthexe', '', '', 'Musleras de bruja de Escarcha', '', 'Набедренники ледяной ведьмы'), (51751, '', 'Spallières de sorcière du givre', 'Schiftung der Frosthexe', '', '', 'Bufas de bruja de Escarcha', '', 'Наплеч ледяной ведьмы'), (51752, '', 'Corselet de sorcière du givre', 'Brustschutz der Frosthexe', '', '', 'Coselete de bruja de Escarcha', '', 'Нагрудный доспех ледяной ведьмы'), (51753, '', 'Poignes de sorcière du givre', 'Handschutz der Frosthexe', '', '', 'Mandiletes de bruja de Escarcha', '', 'Захваты ледяной ведьмы'), (51754, '', 'Ventaille de sorcière du givre', 'Gesichtsschutz der Frosthexe', '', '', 'Visera de bruja de Escarcha', '', 'Большой шлем ледяной ведьмы'), (51755, '', 'Kilt de guerre de sorcière du givre', 'Kriegskilt der Frosthexe', '', '', 'Falda de guerra de bruja de Escarcha', '', 'Боевой килт ледяной ведьмы'), (51756, '', 'Garde-épaules de sorcière du givre', 'Schulterschutz der Frosthexe', '', '', 'Guardahombros de bruja de Escarcha', '', 'Наплечные щитки ледяной ведьмы'), (51757, '', 'Haubert de sorcière du givre', 'Halsberge der Frosthexe', '', '', 'Camisote de bruja de Escarcha', '', 'Хауберк ледяной ведьмы'), (51758, '', 'Gants de sorcière du givre', 'Handschuhe der Frosthexe', '', '', 'Guantes de bruja de Escarcha', '', 'Перчатки ледяной ведьмы'), (51759, '', 'Heaume de sorcière du givre', 'Helm der Frosthexe', '', '', 'Yelmo de bruja de Escarcha', '', 'Шлем ледяной ведьмы'), (51760, '', 'Kilt de sorcière du givre', 'Kilt der Frosthexe', '', '', 'Falda de bruja de Escarcha', '', 'Килт ледяной ведьмы'), (51761, '', 'Protège-épaules de sorcière du givre', 'Schulterpolster der Frosthexe', '', '', 'Hombreras de bruja de Escarcha', '', 'Наплечные пластины ледяной ведьмы'), (51762, '', 'Protège-épaules du convent noir', 'Schulterpolster des dunklen Zirkels', '', '', 'Hombreras del Aquelarre oscuro', '', 'Наплечные пластины мрачного шабаша'), (51763, '', 'Robe du convent noir', 'Robe des dunklen Zirkels', '', '', 'Toga del Aquelarre oscuro', '', 'Одеяние мрачного шабаша'), (51764, '', 'Jambières du convent noir', 'Gamaschen des dunklen Zirkels', '', '', 'Leotardos del Aquelarre oscuro', '', 'Поножи мрачного шабаша'), (51765, '', 'Chaperon du convent noir', 'Kapuze des dunklen Zirkels', '', '', 'Caperuza del Aquelarre oscuro', '', 'Капюшон мрачного шабаша'), (51766, '', 'Gants du convent noir', 'Handschuhe des dunklen Zirkels', '', '', 'Guantes del Aquelarre oscuro', '', 'Перчатки мрачного шабаша'), (51767, '', 'Plaques d''épaule de seigneur ymirjar', 'Schulterplatten des Ymirjarfürsten', '', '', 'Hombreras de placas de señor Ymirjar', '', 'Латные наплечники имирьярского повелителя'), (51768, '', 'Cuissards de seigneur ymirjar', 'Beinplatten des Ymirjarfürsten', '', '', 'Quijotes de señor Ymirjar', '', 'Ножные латы имирьярского повелителя'), (51769, '', 'Casque de seigneur ymirjar', 'Helm des Ymirjarfürsten', '', '', 'Casco de señor Ymirjar', '', 'Полный шлем имирьярского повелителя'), (51770, '', 'Gantelets de seigneur ymirjar', 'Stulpen des Ymirjarfürsten', '', '', 'Guanteletes de señor Ymirjar', '', 'Рукавицы имирьярского повелителя'), (51771, '', 'Harnois de bataille de seigneur ymirjar', 'Kampfplatte des Ymirjarfürsten', '', '', 'Placa de batalla de señor Ymirjar', '', 'Боевой доспех имирьярского повелителя'), (51772, '', 'Cuirasse de seigneur ymirjar', 'Brustplatte des Ymirjarfürsten', '', '', 'Coraza de señor Ymirjar', '', 'Кираса имирьярского повелителя'), (51773, '', 'Garde-mains de seigneur ymirjar', 'Handschützer des Ymirjarfürsten', '', '', 'Manoplas de señor Ymirjar', '', 'Боевые рукавицы имирьярского повелителя'), (51774, '', 'Grand heaume de seigneur ymirjar', 'Großhelm des Ymirjarfürsten', '', '', 'Gran yelmo de señor Ymirjar', '', 'Великий шлем имирьярского повелителя'), (51775, '', 'Garde-jambes de seigneur ymirjar', 'Beinschützer des Ymirjarfürsten', '', '', 'Musleras de señor Ymirjar', '', 'Набедренники имирьярского повелителя'), (51776, '', 'Espauliers de seigneur ymirjar', 'Schulterstücke des Ymirjarfürsten', '', '', 'Espaldares de señor Ymirjar', '', 'Наплечье имирьярского повелителя'); */ TRUNCATE `locales_gameobject` Error occured at:2014-06-28 15:23:27 Line no.:337641 Error Code: 2013 - Lost connection to MySQL server during query Can you tell me what is wrong here?
Thank you so you suggest SQLYog, it can process large files like that? and about this worldserver issue do you think thats sql, or cmake/visual studio made the error I have a 64setup and also, while adding sql's to databases I had a lot of errors I disabled Heidi to stop when it gets an error. So would my wow server run with all those sql errors, and how does sql work, I think I executed a few duplicate sqls into databases do they just overwrite each other or does that create problems?
So I'm trying to run the server on windows vista it just freezes when I run worldserver application and pops the message in the thread title, I can run authserver fine and DBErrors LOG doesnt show anything. Worldserver LOG file shows this - Using configuration file worldserver.conf. Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1g 7 Apr 2014 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.1g 7 Apr 2014) Using ACE version: 6.1.4 TrinityCore rev. b102c1c97906 2014-06-19 23:01:05 +0200 (4.3.4 branch) (Win64, Release) (worldserver-daemon) <Ctrl-C> to stop. ______ __ /__ _ __ __/ __ /_/ / _ __ /_ ___ /_ , _ __ __ /`'__/ /' _ `/ / / / / / / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __/`____ /_//_/ /_//_//_//_//__/ `/___/> C O R E /___/ http://TrinityCore.org /__/ Realm running as realm ID 1 Using World DB: TDB 434.05 Using enUS DBC Locale Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes. Using DataDir ./ WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps VMap support included. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1 VMap data directory is: ./vmaps Loading Trinity strings... >> Loaded 1072 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 24 ms Initialize data stores... Index 5125 already exists in dbc:'achievement_dbc' Anyone know what could be the problem here? Also one other thing I was using Heidisql this is my first time installing or trying to run a server, I mostly had trouble with sql and maybe you shouldnt recommend Heidi in your tutorial here http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/How-To_Win+4.3.4#How-To_Win4.3.4-MySQLServerCommunityEdition because when you get to the part adding that large sql from batch file world updates to your world database, Heidi gives an error and stops I've split them up and run seperately but got alot of errors, is Navicat maybe better for this or some other tool? Any help appreciated, thank you