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Everything posted by chili

  1. in WPP its disabled in code (commented) // Non-WDB data but nevertheless data that should be saved to creature_template /*[BuilderMethod(Units = true)] public static string NpcTemplateNonWDB(Dictionary<WowGuid, Unit> units) { I've uncomment it, but a lot of errors exist
  2. how to get the data for creature_template? Used sniffer + parser , but there is no data for this table. Also I tried to get them from a WDB , but the structure creaturecache.wdb is not known . Please tell me where to get the actual structure of the WDB or how to get the data for this table using our sniffer?
  3. u need copy this file to your server folder http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?msvcp90 google it
  4. mb problem in this? MySQL client library: 5.5.15 MySQL server ver: 5.5.11
  5. all done added to the configuration file logging (Logging system) and now instead of a blank screen I see on what stops C:test>worldserver.exe Opening DatabasePool 'catatest_w3'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous con nections: 1. MySQL client library: 5.5.15 MySQL server ver: 5.5.11 [WARNING] MySQL client/server version mismatch; may conflict with behaviour of p repared statements. MySQL client library: 5.5.15 MySQL server ver: 5.5.11 [WARNING] MySQL client/server version mismatch; may conflict with behaviour of p repared statements. DatabasePool 'catatest_w3' opened successfully. 2 total connections running. Opening DatabasePool 'catatest_c'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous conn ections: 1. MySQL client library: 5.5.15 MySQL server ver: 5.5.11 [WARNING] MySQL client/server version mismatch; may conflict with behaviour of p repared statements. MySQL client library: 5.5.15 MySQL server ver: 5.5.11 [WARNING] MySQL client/server version mismatch; may conflict with behaviour of p repared statements. DatabasePool 'catatest_c' opened successfully. 2 total connections running. Opening DatabasePool 't_realmd'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous connec tions: 1. MySQL client library: 5.5.15 MySQL server ver: 5.5.11 [WARNING] MySQL client/server version mismatch; may conflict with behaviour of p repared statements. MySQL client library: 5.5.15 MySQL server ver: 5.5.11 [WARNING] MySQL client/server version mismatch; may conflict with behaviour of p repared statements. DatabasePool 't_realmd' opened successfully. 2 total connections running. [0 ms] SQL(p): UPDATE character_battleground_data SET instanceId = 0 [0 ms] SQL: SELECT db_version, cache_id FROM version LIMIT 1 [0 ms] SQL: UPDATE realmlist SET flag = (flag & ~2) | 1 WHERE id = '51' [0 ms] SQL: SELECT allowedSecurityLevel from realmlist WHERE id = '51' [0 ms] SQL: SELECT MAX(guid) FROM characters [0 ms] SQL: SELECT MAX(guid) FROM creature [0 ms] SQL: SELECT MAX(guid) FROM item_instance [0 ms] SQL: SELECT MAX(guid) FROM gameobject [0 ms] SQL: SELECT MAX(guid) FROM transports [0 ms] SQL: SELECT MAX(id) FROM auctionhouse [0 ms] SQL: SELECT MAX(id) FROM mail [0 ms] SQL: SELECT MAX(corpseGuid) FROM corpse [1 ms] SQL: SELECT MAX(arenateamid) FROM arena_team
  6. I'm using version 434. A month ago, everything was going well and running, now decided to upgrade and after assembly service is not started (immediately crashes without errors). If someone is faced, prompt in what could be the problem? Maybe now requires a different version of mysql or something (OpenSSL etc)? authserver.exe same problem win64x, mysql 5.5 using bat file+ pause
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