So... today i updated a 3 month old Clean TC Core (I didn't have this error with that old rev) and now im getting this error:
This is the weird part, the issue is that the DB Updater cannot detect my Mysql Executable Path.
The config says:
# MySQLExecutable
# Description: The path to your mysql cli binary.
# If the path is left empty, built-in path from cmake is used.
# Example: "C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.6/bin/mysql.exe"
# "mysql.exe"
# "/usr/bin/mysql"
# Default: ""
MySQLExecutable = ""
This is MySQLExecutable directory:
These are my compilation files (just in case):
This is the Path Cmake AutoDetects: as you can see, it's detecting my actual mysql executable path.
So why i am getting that error? as i stated before, this was not an issue with a 3 month old core, so it's pretty much a new issue, maybe core side?
Btw, i did "solve it" changing the config default path # Default: "" to MySQLExecutable = "C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6/bin/mysql.exe" but obviusly that is just bypassing the real issue.
Any ideas on why i have this issue? could it be core side issue or local issue?
Thanks for taking the time to read.