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  1. okay problem solved, i had to copy the libmySQL.dll from C:Programms:Mysql:MySGL Server:lib Everything seems to works fine now, i only miss the: DBC, MAPS, VMAPS and MMAPS for catacylsm - anyone knows a good place to download this? my pc is too slow to extract this... b-net server starts as usual, worldserver also starts fine, but it turns of by hotfix_data. >> Loaded 0 hotfix info entries. DB table `hotfix_data` is empty. Loading missing KeyChains... >> Loaded 4 KeyChain entries in 1 ms World initialized in 0 minutes 23 seconds was there a sql missing in the www.trinitycore.org/f/files/getdownload/1298-legacy-tdb-full-434/? i applied all sqls from https://github.com/TrinityCore/TDB_4.3.4_No_Longer_Used/tree/master/updates okay: TRUNCATE `keychain_db2`; solved my problem^^
  2. The reply-button to this topic: http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/120-compile-or-cmake-problems/page-86 is closed again 2 days ago i could successfully compile the core for the 3.3.5 branch. So i tried to start with the 4.xx Server with the Core from Trinity. I compilied with RelWithDebInfo x64. Then i put the: libeay32.dll, libmySQL.dll, and ssleay32.dll - files from the OpenSSL-Win64-file to the RelWithDebInfo-Folder. If i try to start the auth/world/bnet, i get also this error like 2 days ago : http://www.pic-upload.de/view-25614208/error.jpg.html But this time i copied all required dll-files to the serverfolder. (Note: I downloaded the libmySQL.dll from the web) Do you know how to fix this?
  3. okay probem solved. libeay32.dll + ssleay.dll were missing in the server-folder. post can be closed
  4. Okay this works fine now thx! Last problem: If i try to start the auth and the world server, i get this error: http://www.pic-upload.de/view-25614208/error.jpg.html I googled this and the infos i got, are that i am missing some dll-files, because i have some programms which run under 32 and 64-bit and the are a bit messed up now. There are hundret guides how to download and install these dll-files. Do you now which dll-files are nessessary for trinitycore and which folder should i use to store them. Some use the C:WindowsSystem32-folder and some use the C:WindowsSysWOW64.folder. Which one is the right here?
  5. Heyho, Since I cannot reply to this: http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/120-compile-or-cmake-problems/ i created a new Issue/post/ticket. I try to compile the 3.3.5 core while using Windows 8.1 64 -Bit operating system My problem is this: http://pastebin.com/4hT4trqh Most issues belong to: 16>Main.obj : error LNK2019: Verweis auf nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol "_mysql_server_init@12" in Funktion ""public: static void __cdecl MySQL::Library_Init(void)" (?Library_Init@MySQL@@SAXXZ)". I have installed the 5.6.21 MySQL-Server for 64 Bit and i am compiling with Visual 2013 with Win32 Release. http://www.pic-upload.de/view-25609277/Screenshot--4-.png.html Do you have any suggestion what i have to do now? Thx for reading this topic.
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