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Posts posted by Athena

  1. --- Canned message start ---

    I would love to be able to just say: "Look in upper right hand corner of the forum, there is a button labeled SEARCH, please use it", but I don't think that will be enough therefore I present to you:


    Please read it cover to cover, and don't bother posting again until you do!

    --- Canned message end ---

  2. With all due respect, you should work a bit on your English.

    I did not flame in this thread, and also you keep saying it seems it's lack of dependencies, but that is not true at all.

    Read what I posted, and if you don't understand it, ask a friend whose English is better to translate it for you ;)

    I won't comment if my english is good or not! I don't care what you think about it! It is good for understanding! (are you a teacher or what? Are you giving me a F???)

    I said "it seems" for someone that knows so good english must understand that im not sure of it! (So i give you the F!)

    Back on topic:

    Marty, where are you downloading your software? From oficial websites i supose?

    Don't install both of VC's. Install only one of them... also, check that they are correctly installed (a bad installation can lead to a corrupted file, and that error can come from there). Before you start installing, i sugest disabling any antivirus and any active protection you could have... i had problems in the past with Norton Antivirus while installing MSDN.

    So basically you are saying that when a software crashes that's because it's installed wrong?

    Where did you get that misinformation from?

    That would also imply that when TrinityCore crashes that's because it's installed wrong, not because of programmer mistakes...

    Are you sure you are gonna claim such a thing?

    You are getting a bit arrogant, don't you think? He didn't said that! Read again!

    And yes... If a sofware is wrongly installed due to some situations (by example a antivirus or even a virus block or delete a file during the program installation, bad disk sectors, wrong checksum of the installer, etc...), it could crash when you execute it. So, before you say some shit, think before you say it and maybe you won't get flamed!

    Note: it can also crash due to some programing mistakes, but if a software works good on almost any system and doesn't work on this, don't you think that there's something special in this system that prevents the software to work has it should? Think about it!

  3. None of what any of you posted has anything to do with the OP's problem.

    OP posted the error message

    This is an error within the compiler, it's not anyhow related to TrinityCore.

    Also dependencies, or mysql version won't anyhow affect it, if he was missing dependencies CMake wouldn't have even generated the project files for him -.-

    I already said that it seems lack of dependency's. Don't be a flamer.

  4. wtf how is dead I did not touch anything ? Now and then I can not compile ?

    I was kidding! :D :D

    btw - i test C++ 2008 & C++ 2010 and only err show me :unsure:

    how to fix this ?

    You didn't answered all my questions.

    Do you have your dependency's correclty installed? It seems something isn't found.

  5. - What is your O.S. version?

    - What is your core version? (There is no "last version", usualy we do more than 1 commit daily, so post your correct core version)

    - Where did you grab it?

    - Did you compiled yourself? (repacks aren't suported)

    - Do you have all dependency's correctly installed?

    - What are their versions? (Same as the core, each linux flavour (by example) has his owns versions. So even if you are on windows, tell us the versions)

    - Did you Follow our wiki?

    - Did you correctly updated the databases?

    - What is your MySQL Server version? (There is no "latest version")

    - What is your MySQL Client Version? (There is no "latest version", and i mean the library's)

    - Is your MySQL correctly configured and running?

    - What is your MySQL client? (SQLyog? MySQL command line? etc.. NOTE: please, don't use navicat)

    - Did you opened the necessary ports?

    - Do you have any custom patches in the core? Which ones? Did you try without them?

    Note: Just to laught a bit... "Fatal error" -> The compiler is dead! No way to resurect him, unless you are god! :D :D

  6. - What is your O.S. version?

    - What is your core version? (There is no "last version", usualy we do more than 1 commit daily, so post your correct core version)

    - Where did you grab it?

    - Did you compiled yourself? (repacks aren't suported)

    - Do you have all dependency's correctly installed?

    - What are their versions? (Same as the core, each linux flavour (by example) has his owns versions. So even if you are on windows, tell us the versions)

    - Did you Follow our wiki?

    - Did you correctly updated the databases?

    - What is your MySQL Server version? (There is no "latest version")

    - What is your MySQL Client Version? (There is no "latest version", and i mean the library's)

    - Is your MySQL correctly configured and running?

    - What is your MySQL client? (SQLyog? MySQL command line? etc.. NOTE: please, don't use navicat)

    - Did you opened the necessary ports?

    - Do you have any custom patches in the core? Which ones? Did you try without them?

  7. ?

    if you update the core, and there is c++ changes, you have to restart it. there is no way of updating a running core.

    edit: unless we modularize all the core and get compiled only certain parts... but dunno if that is possible to do. I think instead of having 2 services (realmserver and worldserver) we have thousands of them (realmserver, masterserver, ahserver, chatserver, kalimdorserver, whateverserver, etc...). Think this way you could compile and restart only those that get changed.

  8. cl : Command line warning D9002: ignoring unknown option '-ggdb'
    cl : Command line warning D9002: ignoring unknown option '-O3'
    Hum... something really wrong here. Do you have all required dependency's installed? Check my signature! And follow the wiki step-by-step.
    LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '..\..\..\dep\mysqllite\Release\libmysql.lib'
    Are you sure you have Mysql library's installed?
    c:\users\prometheus\desktop\wow server\source\trinitycore-335a\src\tools\vmap3_extractor\loadlib/loadlib.h(53): warning C4820: 'FileLoader' : '4' bytes padding added after data member 'FileLoader::data_size

    Almost all errors are from building extractors... have you tryed to compile without them?

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