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Posts posted by Athena

  1. Well, I'm using Web wow... so its all set up in the Configuration so its connecting to my DB

    ok... i see that i have to do a sketch!

    PHP Basic 101:

    $variable = '0'; //The value of the $variable is 0.
    $variable = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM account WHERE username = 'test'"); //The value of variable is the id from test.

    TBL_ACCOUNT get his variable somewhere... i just want to know where and that code!

    • Upvote 1
  2. -- WARNING - Missing or outdated git - did you forget to install a recent version?

    -- WARNING - Observe that for revision ID/hash to work you need at least version 1.7

    -- WARNING - Continuing anyway, but setting the revision-ID and hash to Rev:0 Hash: Archive

    This means something, doesn't it?

  3. Does your table item_instance looks like this:

    CREATE TABLE `item_instance` (
      `guid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `itemEntry` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', // <-- It seems this column is missing on your DB.
      `owner_guid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `creatorGuid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `giftCreatorGuid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `count` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
      `duration` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `charges` tinytext,
      `flags` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `enchantments` text NOT NULL,
      `randomPropertyId` smallint(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `durability` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `playedTime` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `text` text,
      PRIMARY KEY (`guid`),
      KEY `idx_owner_guid` (`owner_guid`)

  4. [WARNING] MySQL client/server version mismatch: may conflict with behaviour of prepared statements.
    Update your MySQL server to the proper version and the prepared statement failures should go away. Bit
    bitherd, if you look @ the image you will see that he has the right MySQL version, that is only a warning. But the
    [ERROR]: Unknown column 'itemEntry' in 'field list'

    means that he missed some DB updates.

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