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Everything posted by zombienerd

  1. I found two issues. 1st, I created the 3 databases manually through the mysql CLI. Then, I tried starting worldserver again, it threw an error stating it didn't have the location of the mysql CLI in the worldserver.conf Once I remedied that, it seemed to go through and populate the databases as expected.
  2. I have followed all the guides closely. I created a new SQL user with root-level permissions and seemed to get Trinity to talk to SQL. However, when I try to start worldserver for the first time, so it can install the databases, I get the following: I am not seeing any errors in my MySQL error.log Any ideas? I extracted the latest TDB (TDB_full_world_335.59_2015_07_14.sql) from the ZIP and placed it in the /bin folder. Am I missing something? Did I skip a step? Any help is appreciated!
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