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Everything posted by asipamn

  1. After running the worldserver, and error pops up stating that TDB_full_world_335.61_2016_04_11.sql cannot be found. I've checked at the source https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/tree/3.3.5. The TDB_full_world_335.61_2016_04_11.sql is not inside /sql/base/. Doesn't matter I've downloaded the file and place it in the folder but still it says file not found. Triple check the filename and it is correct. So I manually run the sql file through mysql. Works like a charm. When I try to run worldserver again another error pops up VMap data directory is: ../data/vmaps Map file '../data/maps/0004331.map' does not exist! So I check the wiki on https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/tc/Linux+Server+Setup saying that mapextractor needs to be executed. When I ran the mapextractor, it say no locales as attached image.
  2. do you mean that after finish with the core installation steps I can just skip the database step and proceed directly to configure worldserver and auth?
  3. Thank your for the help. Yes I notice the guide is rather incomplete for those who are really new to this. One question, when you say {project-folder}/sql/base/characters_database.sql does it mean I have to download the characters_database.sql and auth_database.sql from the source file : https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/releases/tag/TDB335.61. Because its the only place I can find sql file for auth and characters.
  4. HI, I'm trying to setup a new 3.3.5 on linux machine. I have been following the guide on https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/. In database installation setup, the full DB for world is provided, but not the auth and characters. Where can I get the full DB for auth and characters?
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