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Everything posted by MHard

  1. very strange. maybe it would be more flexible? #ifdef LIBMYSQL_VERSION_ID // use MYSQL >= 5.6 WPFatal(mysql_get_client_version() == LIBMYSQL_VERSION_ID, "Used MySQL library version (%s) does not match the version used to compile TrinityCore (%s).", mysql_get_client_info(), MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION); #else WPFatal(mysql_get_client_version() == MYSQL_VERSION_ID, "Used MySQL library version (%s) does not match the version used to compile TrinityCore (%s).", mysql_get_client_info(), MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION); #endif
  2. and why even compare the version of MySQL server and MySQL connector library ? maybe the condition should be different? WPFatal(mysql_get_client_version() == LIBMYSQL_VERSION_ID, "Used MySQL library version (%s) does not match the version used to compile TrinityCore (%s).", mysql_get_client_info(), MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION);
  3. I think this is a bug in Trinity. if you use the standard с connector supplied by mysql http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/c/ we have mysql_version.h #define PROTOCOL_VERSION 10 #define MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION "5.7.6-m16" #define MYSQL_VERSION_ID 50706 #define MYSQL_PORT 3306 #define MYSQL_PORT_DEFAULT 0 #define MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR "/tmp/mysql.sock" #define MYSQL_CONFIG_NAME "my" #define MYSQL_COMPILATION_COMMENT "MySQL Connector/C (GPL)" #define LIBMYSQL_VERSION "6.1.6" #define LIBMYSQL_VERSION_ID 60106 as you can see this condition is not met WPFatal(mysql_get_client_version() == MYSQL_VERSION_ID, "Used MySQL library version (%s) does not match the version used to compile TrinityCore (%s).", mysql_get_client_info(), MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION); because LIBMYSQL_VERSION_ID 60106 != MYSQL_VERSION_ID 50706
  4. 6.x source Map Extraction work only on enUS locale client. as we can see in https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/6.x/src/tools/map_extractor/System.cpp if (CONF_extract & EXTRACT_MAP) { OpenCascStorage(0); ExtractMaps(build); CascCloseStorage(CascStorage); }OpenCascStorage(0); always open enUS locale storage. is it done?
  5. look in the table "quest_template_locale" there are already all locale
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